Congress Showing its True Colors: Rep. Gabbard's Bill to End U.S. Funding of Terrorists Sidelined

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

By Mark Anderson /
Stop the Presses News & Commentary

Basic bipartisan legislation in the House and Senate—that would bar the federal government from giving money and weapons to known terrorists—has virtually no support on Capitol Hill.

On the Senate side, Rand Paul (R-Ky.) put forward S. 532, which is the same legislation that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) introduced in the House—the Stop Arming Terrorists Act (H.R. 608). Her bill was quietly referred to the House Committee on Intelligence back on Jan. 23, the day she introduced it. Sen. Paul’s bill was referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee March 6.

“For years, our government has been providing both direct and indirect support to . . . armed militant groups, who are working directly with or under the command of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, all in their effort and fight to overthrow the Syrian government,” Rep. Gabbard stated in an interview earlier this year.

She’s well known for having made a courageous private trip to Syria, against the grain of the Bilderberg-aligned entities of the interventionist foreign policy establishment, to see firsthand the devastation wrought by Western-backed terrorists and to fact-check constant orthodox media reports that paint Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad as the region’s only “bad guy” who allegedly gases his own people.

A veteran of the Iraq War and major in the Hawaii National Guard, Rep. Gabbard “has long been committed to peace and ending counterproductive, interventionist wars,” her spokesperson Emily Latimer was quoted as saying in early-January by the world news outlet RT.

And it cannot be over-stated that Al-Qaeda is the faction the U.S. government, in its official narrative parroted by the compliant mainstream media, blames for the 9-11 attacks. Thus, for the U.S. government to give aid to that very same faction is the height of ultra-hypocrisy and an extreme betrayal of America.

In order to serve as the military-policing wing of the new world order and keep the ultimate control of money, trade and natural resources in the clutches of the international banking cartel, the U.S. government “subcontracts” with non-uniformed armed factions to fight proxy wars in collusion with the UK and other nations.

This is often done to fight Israel’s enemies even while U.S. taxpayers annually shell out $3.8 billion, and that’s just the official amount, to support an Israeli war machine that 50 years ago attacked the USS Liberty in international waters and killed 34 American sailors and injured scores of others.

The bill simply prohibits the use of federal agency funds to provide “covered assistance” to:

• Al Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), or any individual or group that is affiliated with, associated with, cooperating with, or adherents to such groups; or
• The government of any country that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) determines has, within the most recent 12 months, provided covered assistance to such a group or individual.

According to the Library of Congress, “covered assistance” is defined as “defense articles, defense services, training or logistical support, or any other military assistance provided by grant, loan, credit, transfer, or cash sales,” along with “intelligence sharing” or “cash assistance.”

“It is not a secret, nor a conspiracy theory, America arms bad guys,” Information Clearing House-World News Daily commented on June 21. “Given the insidious history of the American empire and its creation and fostering of terrorist regimes . . . it should come as no surprise that the overwhelming majority of politicians would refuse to sign on to a law that requires them to Stop Arming Terrorists. It is quite possibly the simplest and most rational bill ever proposed by Congress.”

In the five-plus months since this legislation’s introduction, only the following 14 of the 535 members of Congress had signed onto the House version as of June 23.

Rep. Welch, Peter (D-VT)
Rep. Massie, Thomas (R-Ky.)
Rep. Lee, Barbara (D-Calif.)
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. (R-N.C.)
Rep. Garrett, Thomas A., Jr. (R-Va.)
Rep. Yoho, Ted S. (R-Fla.)
Rep. Gosar, Paul A. (R-Ariz.)
Rep. Perry, Scott (R-Penn.)
Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. (D-Mich.)
Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana (R-Calif.)
Rep. Khanna, Ro (D-Calif.)
Rep. Rush, Bobby L. (D-Ill.)
Rep. Duncan, Jeff (R-S.C.)
Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. (D-Ore.)

It's suggested that readers get on the phone and computer (hand-written letters still work as well) to promptly contact the offices of these members of Congress and thank them for their support of this bill, while contacting any other lawmakers to urge their support. Besides contacting the local offices of House and Senate members, use the Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 or 225-3121 where you can ask for any Congress member by name.

And for regular mail with a stamp on it, you can write to any House member at: NAME OF HOUSE OR REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER, Washington D.C. 20515; or any Senate member at: NAME OF SENATOR, Washington D.C. 20510.

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