10$BD Weekly Caption Contest - John 'insane' McCain and his wife Lindsey Graham.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


With the 'tragic' news hitting the headlines that serial warmonger, ISIS enabler and complete head case John McCain is suffering from brain cancer, I thought I'd dig out a classic picture for this weeks competition.
I have had many friends and family suffer from the ravages of cancer and my heart bleeds for anyone affected by the terrible illness and would never ordinarily mock the afflicted, however in McCains case it is easy to see see it as divine retribution for the blood on his hands. The man is a disgrace and many have suffered due his disgusting actions.

Take a look if you feel sympathy for this criminal at the many sickening deeds he's been involved in. Save your sympathies for people who deserve it as this man, as history will show deserves none.

Moving on.......

Before I go on with the contest I need to announce last weeks winner. And the winner is.........

@artwatch with this great bit of work and funny comment.

Well done @artwatch I've transferred the 10$BD to your wallet. Picture of transaction here.


Alright on with the contest, rules are simple.

  1. Upvote the post.

  2. Leave a funny comment.

  3. Don't hold back.

Here's the picture.


As usual I'll get you started.

John McCain: "What do you think to that then."

Lindsey Graham: "Wow, I haven't got one of them."

Ok, best of luck. It's up for a week so think about the funniest answer.

Thank you for visiting @tremendospercy


gif by @justcallmemyth

All Images courtesy of Google Images. https://images.google.co.uk/

Videos courtesy of YouTube. https://m.youtube.com/

TremendosPercy avatar by @epicdesigns



Mccain: "You see these? I got them in Vietnam!"
Graham: "The herpes?"
Mccaine: "No boy named Sue, the synthetic ball bag... 100% Naugahyde"

@tremendospercy Lolz, love your anti-establishment posts, man! I've been unplugged from the matrix since 2009.

Wish I could give a higher upvote, but I'm sapped :O

Hey no worries, I'm glad you had a laugh.

Mccain lost touch with reality in recent years.

Totally out of his mind.

Personally I hope he makes a 100% recovery -- so that he is fit enough to stand trial for his crimes against humanity!! Don't hate him people, instead feel pity, the man sold his soul and there is NO way out...

Would be nice to see him spend out his days in prison. Doubtful though, sadly.

Those guys never go to trial for their war crimes. They are above the law.

Hopefully that will change, don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen though.

"So much for the fake news about your micropenis, you've gotta damn footlong in your pants John. Im thoroughly impressed"

Mcain: ...Unzip


Mcain: Let's Get this over and done with-Fuck the camera's. I am about to die anyway.

Sweet - Who knew pee jokes would get me paid?... But here we are 2017 Thanks a lot Murica!(and tremendospercy)

You're so welcome. Don't forget to enter this weeks contest.

Oh I have plans... don't you worry. I have made McCain into a joke/comic a few times in my life so I have some plans...oh yes.

Sounds like fun anyways - see what I can get in.

John McCain: "Aint that a Son of a Bitch"?
Lindsey Graham: Is that normal?
John McCain: "It reminds me of a little Taliban Midget Man I met that had no neck"
Lindsy Graham : "Whaaat is that"?
John McCain: "Its my only friend"
Lindsey Graham: "So what the hell is it man"?
John McCain:" It's Called a CHODE! Dumbs ass, Google It!"

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