UK Election - Why your vote won't matter.

in #politics7 years ago

I decided to stop voting years ago but came out of exile to vote for Brexit as it was something worth voting for.
You know it's time to go when most of the media, so called world leaders and the unelected twunts of the EU commission are telling you to stay and besides anyone who has watched Brexit the movie who still think being in the EU is a good thing is either profiting from the on-going gravy train or just plain stupid. If you have watched the movie and still don't agree that Brexit is a good thing click below and watch it again because you're obviously a bit of a Thickie.

Back to the general election.
Does anybody really think May, Corbyn, Farron, Sturgeon etc will do what they're currently saying they'll do?
Wake up folks it's never happened before so why do we keep thinking this time will be different. I'll tell you why. Because your trained to believe it. It's not your fault the training started when you were young and impressionable and has been on-going and subtle your whole life. We're all trained to pick sides, left-right, red-blue, United-City, in-out, war-peace, Sunni-Shia, Catholic-Protestant etc. The reason for it is simple, it's to keep us divided. If we weren't constantly force fed bullshit reasons to disagree with each other we might start getting along which is what the hidden hand who control our selected leaders fear the most. Because then we'd start asking questions , awkward questions they don't want to answer like why are we constantly at war? Why do you take income tax when the most productive economies in the world have little or no income tax? Why does the government need to be so big?
Watch this video by the fantastic Stefan Molyneux called "The story of your enslavement" and it is apparent.

They tell you you've got to chose, it's democracy in action after all. We haven't had democracy for years the corporations and banks set the agenda, Britain is like a train on a track you can change the driver but you can't steer it you can just control the speed but the destination is the same whoever is driving.
I'm not worried about Brexit now, we made our point by voting for it and it was a mortal wound to the EU. Even if the Tories lose and we end up with a government that tries to reverse the course we're on in leaving the Eurozone it's too late as I suspect the EU will collapse under a pile of unpayable debt and the individual countries will go back to being sovereign nations.
So I won't be voting and if you chose to, do it with the knowledge that all the free stuff the leaders of the different parties are offering you as bribes to vote for them is just to keep you quiet while they and their paymasters do what they like regardless of what they promised.



I know everyone says you should vote no matter what, but fuck that, if there is no candidate you like why should you vote? Great article man

I agree the political system is corrupt, unproductive and it feels like the people's will is seldom listened to. However if we don't use the little voting leverage we have how do you suggest the system will ever change?

I feel the age of representative democracy is no longer serving us and I want to live in a Direct Democracy, but until then if we don't use the means of change we have, our inaction will be perceived as consenting to the status quo and business as usual.

A few years ago I would have agreed with you however you can't change the system by voting for puppets that are put up to keep it in place. Sadly the only way to change it is through revolution. Hopefully peaceful.

"anyone who has watched Brexit the movie who still think being in the EU is a good thing is either profiting from the on-going gravy train or just plain stupid"

Funny that, Iv heard plenty people say the opposite i.e. anyone who votes for brexit after looking at the "facts" is just plain stupid.

afaic nobody actually knows what the hell they are doing.

I'm with you completely - Brexit has been the only thing worth voting for -
The EU has certainly been mortally wounded.
I'm so Happy we voted out.

Great Post and Nice Videos.

voting just encourages the bastards.....
great post.

I think everyone should register and should vote. But before you go mad let me say im not saying vote for anyone. Go and spoil your ballet paper. Like jonathan pie said "draw a giant cock on it" but use your vote. Any election with less than 50% turnout is a waste. Also if the highest amount of ballets were spoiled then it shows a lack of confidence in not only the parties but the current 2 party system.

Personally i am going corbyn as ive been following his rise up. He isnt the big monies choice. He has come up through supporters alone. Not even the neoliberal dingbats have backed him yet he is in control thanks to members and real people as opposed to the disconnected established MP's that we are used to.

Im not saying you have to vote or partake. But the democratic system can be used by people power to make change. Trump is the best example (all be it imo a poor choice).

I would never dis someone who has an informed opinion like you obviously do none of us know what the answer is we just have to follow our gut sometimes
Our debates will hopefully wake up those who are still in the dark.

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