Scottish "Independence" - Be careful what you wish for!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Nicola Sturgeon keeps grabbing the headlines with her calls for another Scottish "Independence" vote. The rallying cry of freedom has been loud since the people of England and Wales carried the vote to take Britain out of the EU because apparently the Scots don't want that, that would be a step too far!
You can see from the map below that Scotland had little to do with the decision to "Brexit"


If Sturgeon is to be believed a second independence vote will result in the Scottish people choosing to cut its ties to Britain.
So paradoxically they want freedom from Britain so they can be directly controlled by the unelected EU commission. That's priceless.
Now I don't blame the electorate for this I blame the SNP, they've got the population all fired up "Braveheart" style into thinking independence is freedom, well it won't be if you go on to join the EU, in fact it'll be the opposite.
It'll be the kind of freedom Greece are currently enjoying, fancy that do ya?
No of course you don't, who would?
Well apparently the SNP do, but that's not surprising because governments are designed to serve themselves. They don't give a monkeys what happens to the electorate as long as they're alright. And don't forget if/when the Scots vote out of Britain they will pretty much be a one party state which never ends well.
I don't suggest that Scotland stays tied to Britain, on the contrary I actively encourage them to leave as I would the Welsh and the Irish should they ever decide to go down that route. I despise big government and a reduction in the bureaucracy would be fantastic for all.
Be careful what you wish for because independence may not be the freedom you think it is.



All we'll do is move from one centralized power to an even worse one! An excellent analysis from an outsider here Percy. I contribute regularly to the #politics tag and this is superb writing :) UV/RS my friend! Keep steeming on!!

Darn! The article is over 7 days old so no resteem button :( Apologies Percy!!

No worries buddy I'm just pleased my stuff resonates with some people.
I appreciate any help trying to get traction in this community Any resteems are greatly appreciated.

You mention Scotland again and you let me know OK ;) Cheer Percy!

An interesting perspective.

Please explain to me why after gaining an Independent Scotland, the Scottish people would then give that Independence away by joining the communist European Union. This Is Insanity. I support the Scottish people If they choose an Independent Scotland, but please don't give It away again to the globalists.

That's the point "they" wouldn't it's the politicians looking for a second political career riding the EU gravy train.

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