Bitcoin is a Network of Peace for Victims of the Islamic State

in #politics8 years ago

As long as we have had something to believe in, there has been mass manipulation. As long as we have had finite resources, there has been war. As long as there has been war, we have had the dream of peace.

There is only one thing separating dreams from reality:

Bitcoin has often been portrayed in the media as a force of black market fear. Drugs and porn and murder and more sex and more drugs (did I mention sex and drugs? Okay, just checking).

Although I support digital currency as a tool for peace, I cannot lie and tell you the statements propagated by the majority of the media are entirely wrong. They are skewed, as most information is, to a subjective agenda.

I do not believe anything I read anymore. Neither should you.

The purpose of this piece, or any of my writing for that matter, is not to tell you I am or could ever be the ultimate authority on truth or knowledge. No one is or ever should be.

Blockchain technology does have the power to transform the way we think about transparent distribution of information, but this is not that story. This is a story to inspire actions, your actions if you are a credible and good person involved in digital currency economies.

I started writing this discourse because I was inspired to ask a question of myself after observing media misinformation overlords reigning with lies under the guise of journalistic integrity.

“Has Bitcoin been the cause of criminal activities, or has Bitcoin technology merely exploited the criminal activities which have been thriving under the surface of economic life throughout the history of our financial discourse?”

Bitcoin is an invention, a piece of technology anyone can use to store, share or protect value without the control of an authority other than mathematical truth or human nature. Stores of value, regardless of their association with a government, a business or math, are not the problem.

We, as humans, are.

We are the entities who use these mechanisms of value to fuel and propagate agendas, both positive and negative, to (a) increase personal gain, or, (b) to contribute to the overall well being of our relative societies, communities and investments.

We live in a distributed, modern Pangea and I am of the belief that equality, from the perspective of human rights, education and beyond, should be as distributed as our species. New forms of systems equality can beget waves of growth and abundance we so deeply need if we wish to progress the continuity of life on Earth.

Let's talk about a tense topic. One that most people hold a myopic perspective towards.

The Middle East and The Islamic State.

I am not here to speak on radicals. I am here to speak for the people who have no mouths, because there are so many groups of people who are invisible. Groups of peaceful individuals who could deeply benefit from the values brought forth from the free-market advantages of bitcoin and other digital currencies.

They are the innocent, nonviolent citizens surrounded by the Islamic State.

And I want you to know them.

They are not the violent intention of dogma.

They are not the problem.

The Islamic state and/or any extremist radical groups, are.

The challenges brought forth by such an active hate can seem, for most, to be a hopeless endeavor for one individual to solve. But if we make this assumption, we would be wrong.

Inaction can be a powerful form of violence.

Bitcoin has the potential to allow individual contributors to have a direct impact on peaceful, free market empowerment for innocent, nonviolent citizens. It can be a way out of terror for those who could feel otherwise trapped. Bitcoin is us. It can and should be all of us.

We have seen centralized power structures try to "help the situation". I'm not going to get into the details of what "helping" citizens means to a centralized power, but let's take a moment to think about what it means for all of us to help as individuals. The government of the United States should technically be “all of us”, but it is not... By any means. If you have ever been under the impression that taking action through a centralized system alone is an effective way to have an impact on circumstances of violence and injustice, you would likely be deeply mistaken.

Remember, we have seen time and time again, when legacy systems take action without understanding the depth of the problem or providing sustainable solutions, a centralized structure has little incentive to promote equality for those they seek to help if those who seek the help do not feed directly back into the growth of the system providing the aid. Would P&G continue to support the success of an intern if their career took them to IBM? Doubtful. Not impossible, but doubtful. A population struggling to understand the idea of freedom may subvert evil with help from others, but the truth is, they are far from free after a reign of terror looms throughout the thoughts of a population for any prolonged period of time.

The citizens surrounded by radical groups fueling terror in the Middle East are granted the ability to feel empowered in what I have identified as three primary cases:

  1. If they align with fundamentalist partners.
  2. If they escape and manifest a new life in a variant sect of society.
  3. If they are granted the opportunity to participate in an economic stratosphere segmented from the actions of a nation at war with itself; the world of decentralized capitalism.

Capitalism is the most powerful mechanism we possess to empower politically victimized citizens living in nation states with deeply rooted seeds of terror. Decentralized capitalism is even more powerful. We, as a digital currency community, should use our powers to help those who will (a) receive the greatest amount of benefit and freedom from the use of the system and (b) be completely dependent on the systems digital currencies like bitcoin provide, for they, truly, will be the agents in the system who ensure the success of the overall mission.

We must make it as impossible as possible for terrorists to recruit based on the absence of resources. We do this by financially empowering peaceful citizens to own a life away from terror through:

  1. Global distribution of Bitcoin and other digital currencies as a mechanism of financial equality for those disempowered by their government or those without access to an established financial network.
  2. Giving citizens control over their assets by using the blockchain as a ledger.
  3. Providing any disempowered being with the ability to interact with a more accessible legal framework through the global distribution of smart contracts.

Bitcoin and blockchain technology can lead to the economic and political empowerment of citizens who need resources distributed from outside of the lines of their own nation state.
More ethical distribution of resources for those owning the least power within a violent state, or, for those standing up against corruption and hate, would set an example which has the potential to lead towards greater equality of rights and opportunity for all.

If you truly understand the virtues of Bitcoin, take a moment out of your day to think about what would happen if we all worked together to empower free-market peace in worlds at war.

We have the technology, we can rebuild.

By following these guidelines, I hope we can create awareness around the true nature of Bitcoin, blockchain technologies and digital currenices at large. An awareness free of the negative associations the technology has exposed, not created.

If you are interested, truly interested in contributing to the causes of the largest activists in the world, please reach out and get in contact with me ([email protected]).

Believe in this, the dream of peace is real.

We are responsible.

Thank you.


I do absolutely agree with u on this front.

I'm glad, let's go to space.

The best way to make rich people not rich anymore is to no longer value their money. Value something different.

lol funny yet thought provoking.....

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