That's How a Terrorist Attack Looks Like

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Whoever thinks that this is just a natural disaster, you better think twice. Sorry if this seems like I am showing off but I served in the special forces and I know for a fact that so many hearths of fire don't just happen coincidentally. This was organized by some cunts (Greek or not) and our goverment once again was unable to prevent it and protect its citizens.

Sorry, but on the most windy day of the summer so far, so many hearths of fire taking place is not an accident; it's planned. The same people who led our compatriots to extreme poverty, unemployment and suicide in several cases, now are burning Greek citizens alive and taking their properties in the most violent way. This is not the outcome of an "accidental" fire.


Bonus Fact: All victims have been Greek in our perfectly multicultural modern state. Another coincidence? Of course not! I didn't hear any media focus on that. However, if the fire took place in a neighborhood of Athens that is dominated by dark immigrants, it would play on the news 24/7.

To make a long story short, the authorities of this country don't give a flying fuck about you and me! Keep that in mind next time you're voting about your future and your children's future.

May God rest in peace the innocent souls of my beautiful compatriots who are the latest victims of the anti-Greek system that govern us for decades now!

PS. For the ones who will think that I am out of my mind. Enough said!!!



Επειδή ζώ σε μέρος που κάηκε ολοσχερώς το 2000 και εδώ και 4 χρόνια εποικίζεται απο λαθρομετανάστες έχω να πω ότι δυστυχώς πορευόμαστε ακόμη με το "εγώ" και διαιρεμένοι... Καλή μας τύχη !

Τα είπες όλα σε 3 σειρές! Οι λαθρέποικοι μάλλον είναι μόνο άνθρωποι, γιατί για τους ντόπιους δεν βλέπω κάνεναν ιδιαίτερο πόνο!

Θα συμφωνήσω απόλυτα μαζί σου Θοδωρή !!!
Αν έχει τα Κότσια κυβέρνηση να απαγορεύσει δια παντός, οποιαδήποτε χρήση των καμμένων δασών...!!! Αλλά δυστυχώς, είναι όλοι τους δοσίλογοι και ανθέλληνες...!!!

Γιωργο ειναι ΞΕΚΑΘΑΡΟ τι συμβαινει με τις φωτιες εδω και πολλααααα χρονια. Απλα τωρα οπως φαινεται δεν τους νοιαζει να μας καψουν και ζωντανους ας πουμε.

You're absolutely right. And these fires are always in close proximity to each other. Just in case one doesn't burn very good.
Had non-Greeks perished in these numbers, ministers would have resigned and the international community would have condemned Greece in the strongest way.

So sorry.
Prayers and pls stay safe.

Thank you dear. I hope you're well!

That is a terrible tragedy, @tkappa. My heart goes out to your people. If it is what you say it is, let's hope someone can lead an investigation and justice is done.

Thanks man. Our politicians are as corrupt as it gets, so no investigation will be conducted I am sure.

That is even worse. Damn! Is it possible that we are so screwed up as a species?
In Latin America, we have somehow developed this sort of 3rd-worldy resignation mode that makes us expect little from our politicians. We live in an eternal state of dependence (either from Messianic leaders or foreign godfathers). We grew up admiring all Greek things and all the ancient Hellenic culture. I was shocked when the bankruptcy crisis exploded. How could these political leaders dump so much history, such great intellectual and cultural tradition?
For those who love history, culture and art, believe you me, this feels like a family tragedy.

pe8anan k kapoioi 9enoi tora p koita9a alla dn einai auto to 8ema. το θεμα ειναι η φωτογραφια π εβαλεσ στο τελος και τα λεει ολα οτι δηλαδη εχουμε καποιους μαλακες π για τα λεφτα δν τους νοιαζει τπτ. Κυριολεκτικα σκοτωνουν αθωους χωρις να νοιαζονται μονο κ μονο για να ικανοποιησουν την ανικανοποιητη απληστια τους.

Δεν μιλουσα για τουριστες απο δυτικες χωρες μαν μου, μιλουσα για λαθρεποικους. Πεθαναν και τετοιοι; Μπα; Και δεν τους θρηνουν τα media x100; Περιεργο!!!

aa edo pao paso tote :P

δεν υπάρχει παιδία και δε υπάρχουν Έλληνες πολιτικοί...
έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο σε ότι λες....

The only thing in nature that can cause wildfires, is lightning strikes. If a cluster of wildfires start without lightning, than you know humans caused them. If they start in the middle of the forest, they were most likely intentionally set. This type of terrorism not only destroys human lives, it destroys the environment we cherish.

thank you for give us this kind of news

Good observation, it's very shocking

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