Sanders supporters planning unorthodox protest at DNC - they are holding a fart-in...

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

According to both Fox News and USNews, Bernie Sanders supporters have a surprise in for Hillary at the Democratic National Convention next week. Fox explained it this way:

Sanders supporters reportedly to hold Philly 'fart-in'

Published July 13, 2016

Sometimes, politics is a smelly business.

And a group of Bernie Sanders supporters plans to make the point that the 2016 race stinks in their own special way -- arranging to hold what they're calling a "fart-in" at the Democratic convention to register their displeasure with Hillary Clinton.

Seriously, this is how it's supposed to work: U.S. News and World Report reported Tuesday that disgruntled Sanders supporters plan to participate in a pre-convention feast of various canned and baked beans, and then let their bodies do the talking once they get to the Philadelphia convention hall.

The organization head for this "fart-in" protest is national coordinator for the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign Cheri Honkala.

Honkala told U.S. News that boxes of dried and canned beans have arrived at her home from states like Texas and Wisconsin and will be taken to a “Clintonville” camp, a replica of the poverty-stricken “Hoovervilles” of the 1930s.

The Clinton campaign did not return a request from for comment.

Honkala did not specify how many delegates and supporters have agreed to join her endeavor, but reportedly said her office will likely serve as a second bean-eating location and that Sanders himself will be invited.

Sanders’ communications director Michael Briggs called it “disgusting and juvenile” in an email to

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USNews also managed to tell the story with a straight face.

Bernie Fans Say 'Fart-In' Against Hillary Will Go On

Sen. Bernie Sanders, i-Vt., looks a little embarrassed supporters won't back off the smelly protest.

Advocates for poor people and progressive causes say they still plan to make a stink – literally – during Hillary Clinton’s big night accepting the Democratic presidential nomination this month.

The plan: feed beans to Democratic National Convention delegates for Bernie Sanders, and send them into the Philadelphia convention hall to show what they think of the former secretary of state.

Sanders-supporting organizers of the odious protest also are unswayed by the Vermont senator's Tuesday endorsement of Clinton and will push ahead.

In fact, Cheri Honkala, national coordinator for the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, expects more beans to pour into her group's downtown Philadelphia office.

Boxes of dry beans and heavy containers of canned beans already have arrived by mail, Honkala says, in all varieties: navy, pinto, lima and baked, with return addresses in Texas, Wisconsin and across the Rust Belt.

“Those beans will probably quadruple” after Sanders' endorsement, Honkala says.

Many Sanders supporters "are not happy" about the two major party candidates, she says. "They do not represent the American people. It’s like they're reality-show characters, two villains who can’t be trusted."

Organizers have not tested varieties to discern the smelliest option, but Honkala says baked beans likely will be preferred and paired with hot dogs at a feeding location in a "Clintonville" camp in northern Philadelphia.

A second feeding location is likely to be at the group's office a few blocks from the convention venue for delegates, journalists and others heading into the speech.

‘Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nominating process, and I congratulate her for that,’ the Vermont senator said.

"It shows the level of absolute disgust that we're at – we think we're going to remember 2016 as the year we begin to bury the two corporate political parties," Honkala says. “It’s really a shame – this whole thing does stink. Democrats and Republicans are like Pepsi and Coke. They listen to corporations and they don't listen to anti-poverty activists."

Political protest plans often are overambitious and in this case, success will be difficult to measure. But Honkala says her group has a track record of organizing big protests at political conventions and pairs its organizing muscle with a coalition of other groups.

Dr. Walter Tsou, a leader with the Philadelphia branch of Physicians for Social Responsibility and a former Philadelphia health commissioner who strongly supports single-payer health insurance, is helping promote the cause.

"The fart-in is to raise attention about things that really stink in our society and one of them is our health care financing system," he says. "People are making a lot of platitudes about how great the Affordable Care Act is, but there are a lot of gaps."

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Just think of the types of people who would attempt a protest like this...
And pray to god that they really can, hold that fart-in.

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