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RE: Immigration Policy: Using Salad Bowls and Smart Contracts to Create an Antifragile Society

in #politics8 years ago

Your massive anti-trump bias bleeds through in your 'example', tainting the whole idea. I will retort!

Trump isn't the moderator that is trying to silence people's free speech and right to gather, and his supporters are not trolls attacking citizens by location, they both simply want the laws enforced equally. Trump in your scenario would only be temporarily banning IP's that are actively attacking the server, hackers that illegally entered the forum, bots that hang out with groups talking about blowing up the server, and would start monitoring unverified guests with ties to hacking sites until sufficient anti-virus scanners could be installed.

As for your final proposal: Those immigration laws requiring proof of added value and consequences for overstaying are already on the books, but the current (liberal democrat controlled) government is actively forcing states and cops and border patrol not to enforce those laws. Until someone like Trump gets in and starts forcing the government to enforce the immigration laws and punish criminals abusing the current system, your proposal cannot happen.

So yes, once Trump creates the environment where your plan is actually possible, your proposals added requirement of some type of approval based on benefits to the host country would finally bring the US up to par with Mexico's strict immigration policies. I am sure Trump would approve of putting it on the blockchain too, because that would streamline the process and reduce government waste.


Haha I actually thought that part was pro-Trump. Liberals are almost completely wrong. Trump provides a temporary solution. But a better solution needs to be made eventually.

You got that right. Some attempt at a solution is better than no attempt at all!

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