in #politics7 years ago


You ever wonder why everything appears to be "backwards" ?


Maybe it is more than just an appearance, rather actuality.

The actuality of it is what George Orwell called "Doublespeak".


Doublespeak can then be turned into what is called "Cognitive Dissonance"


Once it turns into cognitive dissonance, you will see people screaming "FASCIST" towards someone, while 'being' very fascist themselves.

Or blaming others for inequality and bigotry, while 'being' serious bullies, full of hate and violence, as bigots themselves.

It really makes no sense, but David Icke, in the video below, helps make sense of it all.

And famous author Dinesh D'Souza reaffirms brilliantly, in this video below, what David Icke had said

Propaganda through the MSM, Hollywood, and music is the absolute biggest culprit behind this all. And the father of 'propaganda' Edward Bernays knew that.

propaganda 2.jpeg

propaganda 1.jpeg

It is vital to critically think in these trying times, and question everything !

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