in #politics6 years ago

Whenever the law catches a perp the first question to arise is whether the perp has any priors.

Robert Mueller has several priors, but as yet, no convictions.


On April 15, 2013, the bombing occurred.

At that time, Robert Mueller was the director of the FBI.

Prior to the bombing, Russia sent a warning to the US that the Tsarnaev brothers were planning a terrorist act in Boston.

That warning was communicated to the FBI.

Mauler’s minions investigated by asking the Tsarnaev brothers if they were terrorists.

When the Tsarnaev brother answered that they were not terrorists, Mueller ended the investigation.

A few days later, the Tsarnaev brothers’ pressure cooker bombs went off killing 3 spectators and maiming more than 260 other people.

Nice work Mueller.


Recently a Republican Congressman from Buffalo was accused of insider trading based upon the following allegation:

The congressman held stock in and was on the board of a prominent pharmaceutical company. The company was expecting large profits from a new drug discovery. The drug failed a test, and while the congressman was at a social event at the White House, he received notice of that disappointment. Supposedly, the congressman called his son and although the conversation was not recorded, soon thereafter, the son and the son’s father in law disposed of stock in the company. The congressman is not allege to have disposed of his stock in the company.

Nonetheless, the congressman was accused of insider trading.

James Comey resigned from his position as Director of the FBI during 2003 and took a position in the private sector before returning to his position as FBI director, in 2009.

During this hiatus, Comey obtained a position as with defense contractor, Lockheed Martin. While at Lockheed, Comey held the titles of executive vice president and lead counsel, and was paid 6 million dollars in salary and was given 30 Million dollars in stock options.

During this hiatus, Robert Mueller served as acting director of the FBI.

In his capacity as acting director of the FBI, Robert Mueller approved several contracts from the government to Lockheed Martin. These contracts were worth over 100 million dollars to Lockheed.

IBM, who was also seeking one of those contracts, complained bitterly that that contract was not competitively bid.

Clearly, Comey’s friendship with Mueller was worth a great deal to Lockheed Martin, thereby justifying Comey’s unconscionable compensation.

Comey returned to the FBI as a very wealthy individual.

Has the SEC, or anyone else, determined if Comey undertook any action with his stock options based upon the approval of defense contracts by Mueller or from information received by Comey from Mueller regarding the status of those contracts?


In 2016, George Papadopoulos was a 32-year-old, little known, little qualified resident of Illinois, whose only prior political experience was his involvement in the Greek community in Skokie, Illinois, where he had graduated from high school in 2005.

He thought that, if he could get involved in a major political campaign, he might eventually get a government job.

Papadopoulos began to hang around the Trump campaign.

George Papadopoulos was the perfect patsy

Professor Joseph Mifsud was an FBI agent on the payroll of the FBI.

Mifsud was posing as a London based professor, supposedly with connections to high-ranking Russian officials.

Mifsud lured Papadopoulos to London, just as Mifsud had lured Carter Page to London.

Mifsud brought George Papadopoulos to meet Olga Plonskaya, whom Mifsud falsely claimed was Putin’s niece. Mifsud claimed that Olga had dirt on Hillary Clinton, which she did not.

A Russian Oligarch, known to the FBI, was asked by the FBI if Papadopoulos had contacted Russian officials, the oligarch Scoffed, laughed and said no. Nonetheless, Mueller lied to the FISA court (The US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) by stating in a FISA Application that Papadopoulos was the genesis of the probe, and that Papadopoulos had lied to the FBI. This lie to the FISA court constituted perjury and criminal fraud on the court.

John Roberts, the chief judge of the United States Supreme Court, appointed to the FISA Courts all of the judges who serve on those courts.

Therefore, Justice Roberts can, and should, order Judge Rosemary Collyer, the chief judge of the FISA Court, to call Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strouk, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Paige and Andrew Weisman, James Comey and the other liars to testify before the FISA court, in an order to show cause why indictments should not issue against those persons for criminal abuse of the FISA courts and issue criminal referrals with respect to their failure to tell the truth, the whole truth to the FISA Court.

To insure the fairness of the order to show cause hearing, Justice Roberts should appoint an independent special master to oversee that hearing.

Also needed to be interrogated are: Harry Reid, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, and Barrack Obama.
Time to lawyer up Bob!


During June of 2013, Whitty Bulger was being prosecuted in Federal District Court in Boston. Bulger was accused of such crimes as murder and drug smuggling,

Bulger argued that he had been hired by and had been acting as a spy for the FBI.

At this time, Mueller was the Director of the FBI.

At one point during the proceeding, Whitey Bulger’s attorneys sought to obtain the deposition of Robert Muller, by issuing a subpoena for Mueller’s deposition.

Robert Mueller sought to have the subpoena quashed.

In his motion to quash, Mueller posited the following arguments:

Bolger’s attorneys could not articulate precisely what information Mueller was being required to give.

Bolger’s attorneys could not establish that they could not get that information from another source.

Mueller was at the time running the FBI, presiding over its thousands of employees.

Muller’s duties were too important to allow him to take the time to be deposed by Bulger’s Attorneys.

Mueller was successful and the motion was quashed.

Nice precedent to establish in federal court Mueller.

Now, Mueller wants to interview President Trump under oath.

Although the President’s counsel has asked that the subject matter of the interview be defined, Mueller has refused to do so.

Although the President’s counsel has asked Mueller to establish that he could not obtain the requested information from another source, Mueller has been unable to establish this.

The President, as the chief executive officer of the country, presides over a huge number of federal employees. (Including all of the employees of the FBI).

President Trump is busy being the leader of the free world.

It would appear that the federal court precedent established at the request of Robert Mueller in the Whitey Bulger case now prevents Robert Mueller from interviewing (taking the deposition of) President Trump.

RECOMMENDATION: A meeting between Robert Mueller and the President under oath is strongly recommended, provided that it is Robert Mueller, who is under oath, being questioned by representatives of the President, who is Mueller’s boss.

Query: On the subject of precedence, do we really want to establish a precedent where the President and members of his or her administration can spy on the candidate and the team of that candidate seeking to become the successor president?


We now know that Carter Paige and George Papadouplus were each separately lured to London by “Professor” Joseph Mifsud, a spy employed by, and working for the FBI for the single purpose of entrapping them into seeking dirt on Hillary Clinton ,so that the Trump team could be tarnished with the false allegation of colluding with the Russians.

In a very similar manner, the Trump Tower “Russian” meeting was a total set up.

Russia hired Fusion GRS to lobby America to repeal the Metrinsky Law.

Fusion GPS hired Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskya, to meet with Trump team at Trump tower to urge the repeal of that Metrinsky Law.

As a pretext for getting the Trump organization to take the meeting, a story was floated that Natalia Veselnitskya could supply dirt on Hillary Clinton.

After the meeting commenced in Trump Tower, it was abruptly ended, when it became clear that no dirt was going to be provided, and that the repeal of the Metrinsky Law was Natalia Veselnitskya’s real objective.

No money or other consideration was exchanged at the Trump Tower meeting.

The Trump campaign had been set up by Fusion GPS, and the meeting was a total setup.


ONCE UPON A TIME, crown princess, Hillary Clinton, was beginning to fear that she was about to lose the unlosable election.

So, Hillary Clinton began to seek to create Russian dirt on Donald Trump.

The Clinton campaign, in concert with the Democratic National Committee (the DNC) and the Obama administration paid Fusion GPS about One Million Dollars to create dirt on Donald Trump.

Knowing that such a payment would be illegal, the dirt seeking co-conspirators attempted to disguise the payment by laundering that payment through the very willing, and complicit, Seattle based law firm of Perkins Coie.

Hillary’s campaign issued a perjured Use of Campaign Funds Repot, describing this $972,000 payment as “legal fees” paid to the law firm for “legal services” rendered to the Clinton campaign.

The Perkins Coie law firm then funneled the illegal campaign contribution cash to Fusion GPS in payment for the creation of the Christopher Steel, “Dirty Dossier.”

Federal crimes:

Illegal use of campaign funds.

Filing a false Federal Elections Commission report.

Perjury in filing the FEC report under oath
Money laundering
Election Fraud
Colluding with the Russians (If “collusion” is supposed to be a crime, if committed by Trump, it must be a crime when done by Hillary Clinton and when done by the Obama administration).

During this period of time, Bruce Ohr, was the 4th highest ranking member of the DOJ.

Bruce Ohr received the Dirty Dossier from his wife, Nellie Ohr, who had worked on the creation of the Dirty Dossier, while she was employed in the “Russian section” of Fusion GPS.

After receiving the Dirty Dossier from his wife, Bruce Ohr delivered the Dirty Dossier to Andrew Weisman, then, the chief prosecutor on the Mueller investigation team.

At this juncture, of this narrative, it is necessary to disclose the following additional information about Bruce Ohr:

Bruce Ohr had filed a fraudulent DOJ disclosure form with the DOJ, in which, Bruce Ohr failed to list his wife, Nellie Ohr, (who speaks Russian) as a highly paid employee on the “Russian team” at fusion GPS.

The fact that the Ohr family was receiving income from Fusion GPS might also be a violation of federal criminal law relating to bribery.

Bruce Ohr also failed to obtain the required conflict of interest waiver from the DOJ, with respect to the conflict of interest caused by the fact that he was receiving from his wife and acting as a source of verifying the reliability of the Dirty Dossier.

Bruce Ohr, recently testified under oath before a Congressional committee that Andrew Weismann was fully aware of all of the foregoing facts.

Nonetheless, Bruch Ohr delivered the Dirty Dossier to Andrew Weisman, who, in concert with others at the DOJ and members of the Mueller “independent” counsel’s office, illicitly and illegally used the Dirty Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump people.

Others needed to be prosecuted in connection with this fraud upon the FISA court are:
Russian lobbyist Achmet Shin,
John Brennan,
James Clapper,
Sally Yates, and
Lisa Paige.


Very great post @thepatriotblog welcome to the Steemit Family explore blog and enjoy thanks @garrettwallace

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