A list of 32 Political parties in the US YES there are more than 2 .....

in #politics6 years ago

As the American news drifts back into election fever I wonder what it would take to get the alternative media to speak of the existence of the Alternative political parties ....I makes me wonder why they cannot get any air time on the Alternative media sites ... Even the Alternative media act as if only two parties exist. And this seems to be true in most countries the local Alternative media ignores the Alternative political parties .... You would think this to be a match made in heaven ... Or is there something a foot here Watson lol

Democratic Party
Republican Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Constitution Party
Various parties calling themselves Independent or Independence parties
Working Families Party
Reform Party
American Delta Party
Labor Party
Natural Law Party
Progressive Party
American Freedom Party
American Party
Better for America Party
Conservative Party
Ecology Party
Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party
Justice Party 1
Legal Marijuana Party
Liberty Union Party
Moderate Party
Mountain Party
Peace and Freedom Party
Prohibition Party
Socialism and Liberation Party
United Citizens Party
United Utah Party
Unity Party
Veterans Party
Women's Equality Party
Working Class Party


I didn't see a communist party.
which makes sense considering the dhmikratic platform.

There did a second post and put a live link to the communist party lol Hate to see them feel left out ....
Hope the summer is going well for you ...Its been a beautiful summer here ..so much so I could hardly see the end of the bay for over a week from all the smoke from the forest fires ...As it has not rained in 3 months there is a camp fire ban but not to worry you can still find a fire to roast a marshmallow on with little effort .... Have a good day....

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