G20 as a Local

in #politics7 years ago

G 20 – and no end?

I live in Hamburg. And was in my home city when things happened in Hamburg that felt like
civil war and not summer in the city. G 20, what was it about? To find some solutions for some worldwide problems. For instance climate change, food security for poor countries, refugees. Among the 20 industrialized and economically potent countries was only one African country, the Republic of South Africa. To whom it my concern…

This was one point of criticism the alternative scene had to object the summit. “The alternative scene” of course did not exist. There were a lot of groups and initiatives organizing demonstrations and even – for free – an alternative summit for two days. I participated for one day. A few thousand people took part in this event. In a forum, speakers from Greenpeace, Misereor and small agricultural groups in Germany and Tanzania informed about problems and their ideas for solutions. What I remember: The international speaker of Greenpeace said, it´s late to influence climate change. We don´t have any time to lose. The man from Tanzania showed us in pictures and films: land grabbing in Africa is not only done by the Chinese government, but by Monsanto and other international companies, sometimes supported by governments like the German government in Tanzania and Simbabwe. Why? The ideology behind: the African agriculture has to be modernized to meet international standards and feed the growing population. Genetically altered seeds are the winner, local and traditional grown crops the losers. For me it went clear: the help for the people in these countries is superficial and imperialistic, because the ones who live and work there as farmers are not involved in the decision making process. The governments there seem either to be corrupt,
or they share the same ideology. In a break, somebody handed out flyers. I read it, and addressed the young man. In the flyer, violence against things and policemen was supported and encouraged. I asked the young man, what aim he had? Communism? No, he replied, anarchy. I asked him: what about streets, schools, food stores etc., when there is no political system at all? He couldn´t give me any answer.

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During the summit, cars burnt out, fires burnt, windows were destroyed. In my eyes: randomly. Not only banks, but small organic food stores. Not only expensive cars, but small and old ones. Supermarkets robbed: randomly. So I did not see a political message behind. The violence seemed to be addressed against anything. Just violence, just destruction, just feeling powerful causing fear. These people seemed to be full of anger, full of hatred. For hours, police was absent. They of course had their reasons. But can you imagine what that caused in normal inhabitants? Our major had declared in advance that the people in Hamburg would be safe. We were not safe. Can you imagine, how this loss of trust feels? I do not want to blame anybody. I am not a politician or chief of the Hamburg policemen. I only state: it is an awkward feeling, and it doesn´t feel comfortable, when you realize that the state and it´s organs cannot prevent things like this to happen. There were people protecting their cars at night.

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For me, it´s a miracle that nobody died. A lot of people in Hamburg and everywhere prayed, did Reiki, came together for meditation to prevent the worst. It could have become even worse! Somebody could have been killed. This insight is bitter. There were people doing Yoga at lake Alster in the early morning. A 98 years old man was demonstrating peacefully together with his 22 years old granddaughter with a huge cloth “Planet earth first”. The two days of the G 20 summit, book store WRAGE offered non-stop meditation with free entrance with profound meditation teachers all day
long. There was a beautiful Peace concert with old Justus Franz for free with Carmina Burana. There was a peaceful bicycle demonstration.

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These beautiful activities and pictures were dominated by pictures and news about riots, violence, burning fires, destroyed windows, Molotow cocktails and brutal attacks. It´s a pity. I got phonecalls from friends from Bavaria and Austria who had the impression whole Hamburg was burning, and that it was like being in a war. It was not that dramatic. But the vibration of fear and violence was very intense to feel. Helicopters and sirenes day and night. Feeling helpless. Having the impression, the city was conquered by people who were out of control.

I have the feeling, something has changed. I felt secure in this beautiful city and trusted that this shelter was guaranteed. This belief, this trust is gone. It was so precious. And will not come back for a long time, if at all. I feel my quality of life has changed to the worse. I live in one of the safest countries in the world with a lot of freedom. That this freedom can be misused in such a way: it´s hard to accept, and it´s hard to digest, perhaps it´s indigestible. Every morning during these few days I woke up and my first thought was: please let it only be a nightmare.

Reality can sometimes be more cruel and awful than your phantasy, your imagination.


You had such an intense experience. It is so sad that people just wanted to destroy and not to get a message to the people that they were protesting against. When you said that you wanted things to only be a nightmare - I know that feeling. The world is going backwards in a lot of ways. We need to take care of the earth, we need to take care of people so that they are safe and have access to healthcare. We need to love each other and have peace. The political greediness and hard hearts are going to continue on the path of destruction. So horrible. Thanks for your post @thehipsterguru, it is nice to meet you. I resteemed your post and upvoted it.

thank du @sallykwitt, u say it! we need to love each other and have peace!
When we give love to the people they will give it to other and its working like dominoes.
Enjoy your day and make it wonderful :)

Thanks @thehipsterguru, it is great that there are still some people working on the same things that the original hippies worked for in the 60's!

The Hippie did a great job and now it is our time, the earth need more helps then before.

Great post !!!
Follow me and i will follow you !!!
And lets do the upvote and comments exchange !!!

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