Danger zone: Orwellian nightmate

in #politics7 years ago

I'm currently reading 1984. Several times I have broken out in cold sweats and almost vomited. Society is sleep-walking into the nightmare set out by Orwell:


  • The family under attack: 'the anti-sex league' is the unbalanced third-wave feminism being pushed by the media to divide men and women and promote the State over the family. Men and women becoming increasingly committed to their jobs and dispassionate towards each other.
  • The Ministry of Truth and wrongthink/hate crimes: a totalitarian society like the one we have with only politically-correct progressive (trojan horse) views allowed and anything else called 'fake news' or 'hate speech'.
  • A fabrication of news and events for political purposes (psyops/false flags/hoaxes).
  • Incredible powers of surveillance: we already have this with the internet and increasingly through appliances (the internet of things).
  • A silencing of dissent ('vaporisation' for those who speak out against the machine).
  • The erasing of history and historical monuments (we're seeing this in the US and countries like Australia wanting to move Australia day).
  • Basic truths being denied (such as biological differences between men and women).

I'd encourage anyone who hasn't read 1984 to do so, I downloaded it for 99c on my kindle.

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The Enigma


The dhmikrats are using it as an instruction manual.

The original title was 1948 as they had already started most of this in World War Two.

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