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RE: Karl Marx Didn't Understand Human Nature And Communism is a Lie

in #politics6 years ago

For me the dead give away on this topic has been the anthropological aspects around gaming and game design. Naturally we gravitate toward games that are appealing to humans. Open world survival style games show all kinds of natural human tendencies.

After awhile of working on games you tend realize that people like building forts killing and fucking each other. With and without consent. We tend to organize in packs and tribalism simply emerges from our primal tendencies. Capitalism is more fun and people love gathering resources. Nobody likes sharing their stash.

If you look at most games with any kind of multiplayer aspect and you will see nothing but meritocracy infused competition. Communism would be so fucking unfun that nobody would ever want to play the game right out of the gate, Oh but everyone loves murdering your little pixel buddy viciously for a quick gold piece.


Imagine if you made revulsion but there's only one gun and one level, essentially what communism is, instead of ipods and smart phones you got gulags and starvation.

fucking lol

Literally "revulse"

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