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RE: To vote or not to vote? Close the gap

in #politics6 years ago

The last presidential election I refused to cast any vote. To cast a vote for either canidate would have ment that I would be condoning behavior that I feel is repulsive. Think of the baggage carried into this past election by each canidate. Liar, theif, wommanizer, power monger, elitist, racist, hypocrit, bigot, manipulator, zelot, and the list could go on. Both Clinton and Trump could check many of these boxes to describe their character. When a worthy canidate once again steps forward to run our country I will cast my vote. Presently, voting in municipal elections is where I put my efforts to get to know who is running for office. This is where I feel my vote may matter.


Local voting has the added benefit of giving 3rd party candidates a chance. At the national level though I think we’ve always been choosing between candidates like you just described, except that Trump added mental illness into the mix. At least I sure can’t think of one who wasn’t a neoliberal war monger. That seems to be the job when you’re the Commander in Chief of a military empire.

I did forget to add mental ilness. Have a great night!

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