Amazon and Jeff Bezos have reached bold new levels of evil.

in #politics7 years ago


Jeff Bezos is the richest man ever to live, and is putting his vast means to use in gutting workers' rights and effectively bringing back 18th century slavery plantations for Amazon employees.

In Western First World countries we have an arrogant belief that we are immune to the kind of sweat-shop exploitation that you see across China and India. Make no mistake, with people like Bezos allowed to get their way we would slide into child labour, 15 hour shifts in unventilated factories and minimum wage reductions very quickly.

Bezos also recently acquired the Washington Post, so you will see them shill the gutting of workers rights and the deregulation of large corporations as much as possible.

We much resist all of this. Support the unions, support the working class.


You may be interested in this story about Bezos, Warren and JPMorgan:

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