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RE: My Ideology: I thought I was a liberal national socialist - turns out it is called libertarian socialism

in #politics7 years ago

"We have our own terms for libertarianism and socialism that are different from the mainstream" - This tells you everything you need to know about socialism.
Borrowing from Orwell, doublethink - the ability to hold to conflicting views at the same time.

How do you come to the conclusion that I hold mainstream socialism and libertarian socialism views? I dislike most of what the popular left is doing. Socialism is not an entity it is a term that has been stolen from us. We voluntaristic socialists are similar to the Libertarian movement - the press does not like to report on us.

I actually believe that there is no such thing as intellectual property. If someone can realize your idea better than you, he should be able to do it. I do not mean to offend you but If it comes to ideas. Isn't the freedom to copy any idea you see part of a truly free market as well?

I also don't believe that people need pressure to be productive just incentive and a good working climate. Ofc someone who is used to work in the west aka try to look busy when boss is around is not a healthy working climate.


The quote was from the video you linked.

You don't believe in intellectual property because you've never had an idea to be stolen off you. Just imagine you did do something creative, and then I took that idea and got rich.

You will never offend me.

yes it is, but there is protection of original ideas in copyright laws. Otherwise there would be no music or literary industry. I can't just put my name on harry potter books. If you don't believe in intellectual property you're by definition fine with me taking all the books in the world, putting my name on them and selling them. Is this not theft?

You've obviously never had a soul destroying job. Again, if you work in a creative industry you're correct. But if you're (as I've had to do before) unboxing something, peeling a label off, sticking a new label on and boxing it up (as new) again, stuck in a massive but freezing cold warehouse, trust me you need to be managed to be productive.

wait, I thought I replied here already...

Just imagine you did do something creative, and then I took that idea and got rich.

no problem with that, he should not claim to be the original author, but he can use and expand on my ideas however he wants. This is how science work btw, sadly it does not do that because of capitalism.

You've obviously never had a soul destroying job

A good month of working in a butchery every day. I was not often in the cold warehouse, but I was marinading bath tub loads of frozen meat by hand and 3 years at the register of a gas station, which is actually quite more soul crushing over time than you would expect.

I dont think you should be able to just slap your label on someone elses work, but even crediting them often does not protect me from copyright laws.

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