
How are you going to pay for the food? or will somebody just give it to you?

You're going down the road of denial of scarcity. Your ideas work wonderfully on the Enterprise, where the replicator can make anything you want without limits. But this is the real world, where there is only so much 'stuff'

How are you going to pay for the food?

Ideally I would go to one of my chickens, slit it's throat, clean it and cook it.

I am no farmer, but in the west we have a very strange realation/culture when it comes to our food and I would love to change that.

But this is the real world, where there is only so much 'stuff'

Capitalism as well does not change how much stuff there is on earth, does it?

And how much time have you spent raising that chicken, how much did you pay for food, for innoculations, vet's bills, licensing? are you organic?

I'm with you on the concept and the reasoning, but time has a cost too. While you were raising that one chicken, you could have worked for me and bought 40 chickens from the supermarket.

Actually, Capitalism does change how much stuff is 'produced' and more importantly it works out how much of stuff to produce. Unlike socialism, which is famous for producing products no one needed or wanted.

You know how it is with food: The more people eat together the more cost and time efficient it gets.

Ah yes. The commune. Have a read of 'Mao's Great Famine' which shows what happens when communes are forced on a population.

Still not defending everyone who ever put socialism or communism on his flag. There is also a ton of evil done in the name of "making a profit". Are you willing to defend those as well?

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