in #politics7 years ago

American culture is inherently violent. It's in its DNA as a nation. Look in the mirror and be honest. Everything about the U.S. revolves around violence. Whether it's entertainment and the non-stop production of war and national security propaganda flicks painting these institutions as virtuous, the police shooting unarmed civilians, or the military droning everything they can, the enforcement arms of the local and federal governments make their case for violence daily. The most popular sport in the U.S. is also its most violent, football. One could even argue, not really much of an argument though, that the U.S. government is the most violent government in the world. The whole culture in America is a culture of violence and if you never live outside of that culture for any length of time, you would never really notice how violent it is compared to others. Not that other cultures don't have violence. They absolutely do, but not at superpower levels!

Mass shootings.jpg

Ever since the end of World War II, the U.S. military, Pentagon, CIA, and NSA have really been in control of the government. This is when the federal government was essentially converted to a national security state. Sure there are still elections, and most people seem to think that the constitutional democracy is still working, to some degree, but that is just smoke and mirrors. All you have to do is look at who surrounds Trump in the oval office. I see a lot of military personnel don’t you? He loves the military so much that he even wants a military parade. Why the hell not? The U.S. might as well show that the armed forces run the country like any other military dictatorship!

When people in uniform kill, they either go unpunished (police), or are praised to the umpteenth degree for sacrificing for your supposed freedom (the troops) with continuing praises to their service and continually calling them heroes. And if you don’t bow and praise them, be prepared to catch living hell for it for not being patriotic, or disrespecting their service. You must understand (men and women in uniform) are servants to the government and the national security state; therefore it’s OK to commit murder. That even trumps the word of god and his Ten Commandments! One of them states “thou shalt not kill.” Just think about this for a moment. The government, which is something that can’t be touched or seen, and is simply a human contrivance which consists of men and women, tell other men and women to go and kill, and that is perfectly fine. Yet, the so-called creator of everything including mankind, states “thou shalt not kill” and that means nothing. That is, unless the government says so, which is really a human or group of humans, so that really means that man is actually superior to god in that sense. That is if you believe in god and the Ten Commandments, which most Americans seem to.

On the other hand, if a hit man from the mafia kills, he’s a cold-blooded killer. If an average individual kills, he’s a psychopath, or considered crazy. And when a mass shooting takes place, then the gun control debate kicks in and they totally ignore the culture of violence that has become completely normalized. And yet again, all you have to do is look at the most recent mass shooting in the U.S. This one took place in yet another school in the state of Florida. 17 people were killed recently and many more were injured when a young man opened fire in another all-too-routine mass shooting in the U.S. Is anyone surprised? No! Should you be? No! Don’t expect this to end. The only question is when and where will the next mass shooting occur.

HS Shooting.jpg

So as the usual political debate about gun control, background checks, putting armed guards in schools (which is absolutely insane), and the usual political talking points rage on the propaganda networks following yet another mass shooting, don’t expect anything to change. Just like it hasn’t changed in the past. At least not until killing is condemned universally, and don't hold your breath on that because the state rules by killing! The fact is American culture is a violent culture by its own nature led by an extremely violent state. There are many other causes that may be contributing to the epidemic of mass shootings (see chart below) that are usually overlooked when an event like this happens. If that were to happen, the government would have to do its part and take a good look in the mirror and see that its citizens are just acting like they do when they don't get their way! However, I don’t expect much to change; I expect it to get worse by possibly implementing the jackboots of the national security state (at some point) on the populace in many public spaces in order to “keep them safe!” Fight violence with violence, the American way!

Culure of Violence.png

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