Media Fluffers lie like a rug for Beto

in #politics6 years ago

Who knew ten thousand people took up so little space?




by Dianny — February 12, 2019

So last night, President Trump held a rally in El Paso.

And the pictures of the over-flow crowd are quite something to behold.

Here’s one:


Holy smokes! That is a hell of a lot of people.

And that’s just the overflow crowd.

Inside the venue was another sixty-five hundred people.

That crowd goes back so far, you can barely make out where it ends.

In the interests of full disclosure, I do not do well in crowds. If I had to stand in that sea of people, I’d end up in a full-blown panic attack.

Those guys are packed in like sardines for as far as the eye can see.

All over social media last night, I saw picture after picture of this overflow crowd.
And every picture was taken from the front looking back over the vast sea of heads.

Then there’s Beto O’Rourke’s rally.

According to the Guardians of the Truth, the Beto fest was ten-thousand strong!


Here’s a screen grab from a video Beto O’Rourke posted to Twitter.

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Yeah. Unless more than half the audience is made up of invisible people, there is no way in hell that’s a crowd of ten thousand.

I’ve seen larger crowds at a high school pep rally.

Even a claustrophobic gal like myself would be able to stand in that audience without even breaking out in a sweat.

So why lie?

Why pretend the only people who came to see Trump were the sixty-five hundred inside the venue while ignoring the immense sea of people outside in the overflow crowd?

And why claim that Beto’s rally attracted ten thousand when it is clear from Beto’s own video, the crowd is nowhere near that large?

I mean aside from the fact that the news media lies all the time, why do it?

The answer is simple.


The news media settled on what the El Paso narrative was going to be long before either rally began.

The narrative they crafted was “Wow! Not a good thing for Trump to face-off with Beto in Beto’s own backyard! Boy, did Beto totally own him!”

What you have to remember is these guys are not “reporters;” they’re fluffers.

And in a match-up between President Trump (whom they despise) and failed Senate candidate Robert Francis O’Rourke (whom they LOVE!!!), so-called reporters can’t wait to be Beto’s personal fluffers.

They want to build him up, make him seem more popular than he really is, and set up the narrative that even in solidly red Texas Trump can’t attract as many people as that super-amazing guy Beto O’Rourke.

So they lie – either by omitting the vast number of people in the overflow crowd at Trump’s rally or by out and out lying about how many people turned up at Beto’s.

They’re fluffers.

Not that fluffing for Beto is new. These guys have been Beto’s fluffers ever since he ran against Ted Cruz.

Why do you think Democrats throughout the country were so convinced that Beto was going to spank Cruz in the 2018 Midterms?

They were knew — just knew — an upset was coming in November because the media fluffers portrayed Beto as far more wildly popular than he really was.

Look at Beto’s crowds!

Look at him skateboarding!

OMG! He’s doing air drums in his car!!!! I can’t even!

Even his flop-sweat is sexy!!!

As much as the identity politics-driven Left in both the DNC and the media long for a woman of color to run for President in 2020, at the end of the day, these guys won’t hesitate to toss Kamala out on her caramel-colored ass if Beto throws his Irish-made sombrero into the race.

And they saw this “dueling rallies” narrative as a great way to kick that off.

But since Trump’s rally – in Beto’s own backyard — was vastly larger, the pre-planned narrative didn’t hold up against reality.

So they lied.

And, once again, thousands of social media drones who never believe their lying eyes will lap up the lies of the Beto Fluffers without a moment’s hesitation.

They’ll believe Trump is losing support and whatever Democrat the media fluffers end up choosing is like totally, outrageously, crazy popular!

And by “drones,” we can even include former Governor Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaa:


They want voters to believe the media fluffers and not their own lying eyes.

And because the drones are so fully invested in their Trump Derangement Syndrome, they happily play along.

So what happens in 2020 Trump if (or when) wins reelection?

Well, those same drones will be screaming helplessly at the sky in utter confusion and dismay. They’ll believe, once again, that there is no way Trump could have legitimately won because they believed the fluffers in the media instead of their own lying eyes.

This is precisely why the news media is the enemy of the people, you guys.

Not only are they attacking the President 24/7. But their lies also create unreasonable expectations for the anti-Trump crowd that always end up being dashed against the rocks of reality.

They’re not “reporters;” they’re fluffers peddling in propaganda and preying on wishful thinking.

So while their fake news overtly seeks to harm Trump, it inadvertently hurts the anti-Trump crowd as well.

Nobody wins when the news media jettisons honest reporting for media fluffing. Nobody.

But they won’t stop being fake.

The fact is, they can’t stop.

In the end, their lies do far more to disrupt and divide this country than a handful of Russian-paid Facebook posts ever could.

And the closer we get to 2020, the more outlandish and over-the-top this media fluffing is going to get.


All commentary and photos are those of Dianny at Patriot Retort

All content published has been deemed permissible to be used by Dianny and verified by Steemcleaners

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First time I have heard of him.

He ran against Ted Cruz for his seat in the midterms in Texas. He gave him a pretty good run for his money but he didn't win. Now he's trying to decide if he will run for president (lol), that's in itself is getting pretty crazy, get the popcorn out it's going to be a wild ride with all the clowns jumping into the race.

Yeah if he had won I guess I would have heard of him. lol I did hear the race was close though.

Howdy sunlit7! we got so sick of hearing Beto when he was running. He made us cringe. Nice guy and all but what a snowflake. I had no idea about the size of Trump's rally though, that's very impressive!

It's like that every where he goes. He came here twice, filled to capacity, people waited hours in line. I went to see him and I was impressed with the crowd, so many thousands of people in such harmony. Even the small group of protesters couldn't help but smile...there was no one going to break up that mood. lol. Someone even made a float that went up and down the street with the statue of liberty and trump signs all over it, people would cheer like mad when it went by. No bull crap went down here like you hear about at other rally's...then again here our law enforcement people don't play.

Wow and howdy sunlit7! I had no idea that it was quite like that, thanks for filling me in on the way it was up there, I wonder if it would be the same way now? It might be if that one in the post is any indication. Well, that's pretty encouraging news, thank you!

I guess time will tell. Not sure how people will react with this new spending bill he is signing. From the way it appears is that it grants anyone with a minor in the country amnesty from being I take that as it will include anyone who commits a crime as a illegal. You could serve a seven year manslaughter charge as an example for drunk driving then get out of prison and potentially do it again if they are protected from being deported. I am not sure but highly doubt there's a provision that exempts criminals from the provision knowing how the dems operate. It also grants cities along the border the right to object to having fencing put in place, also excludes parks, parts of the desert, etc., which would leave open a wide swath of land for illegal entry. Not unless a declared emergency would over ride that...I don't know but the question has been asked. Not that I am anti immigration but when my sons became of age to work and watching the number of illegals they had to compete with for jobs, the low wages involved (wages I was making back when I entered the work force)and the willingness of illegals to live three families to a household to survive on those wages I had no choice but to support someone who would try to turn things around. One employer I turned back then it took immigration two years to get there to bust them...I am a long way from the border so it's pretty pervasive across the country and when it takes so long for immigration to come get a grip there's just something really wrong with that.

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