Barry has never been good at campaigning for others

in #politics6 years ago

He might have the Midas touch when campaigning for himself. But when it comes to campaigning for others, everything Obama touches turns to crap.




by Dianny - October 23, 2018

When it comes to campaigning, you’d think by now the Democrats would stop going to the dry well known as Barack Obama.

Have they learned nothing over the last eight and a half years?

Obama may have had the Midas Touch when it came to campaigning for himself.

But when it comes to campaigning for others, everything he touches turns to crap.

Just ask Jon Corzine, Creigh Deeds or Martha Coakley.

Corzine lost to Chris Christie in New Jersey.

Deeds lost to Bob McDonnell in Virginia.

Poor Martha Coakley got her ass kicked by Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

Hell, while we’re at it, just ask Hillary Clinton.

But that’s just scratching the surface. During his tenure,
Obama lost the Democrats over a thousand seats.

The Obama campaign magic has never been transferrable to other candidates.
In fact, those he stumps for tend to lose.

Yet for some unknown reason, the Democrats keep heading to that dry well.

So while President Trump held a blow-out rally for Ted Cruz in Houston last night, Barry was campaigning for Democrats in Nevada to a crowd about 1/1024th the size.

Rosie Memos on Twitter:
It’s more like a blue puddle? Anyway this angle doesn’t seem to be playing on TV, wonder why.

Obama’s objective is less about helping the candidates win in two weeks than it is about being a one-man cheerleader for himself.

In fact, according to The American Mirror, in his 38-minute campaign speech yesterday, Barry referred to himself 92 times. There's even a two minute and fifty-five-second compilation of all the personal references Barry crammed into those 38 minutes.

Clearly Donald Trump has gotten under his translucent skin.

No surprises there.

President Trump is erasing Obama’s so-called “Legacy” as if he was never there.

And narcissist that he is, Obama just can’t stop trying to glom on to
President Trump’s economic miracle.

But now’s not the time to scream “I built that!!!” Barry is supposed to be campaigning for candidates running in the Midterm. So why the hell is he trying to take a victory lap over Trump’s successes?

Well, we all know the answer to that. He cannot stand it that he’s being forgotten.

So rather than actually promote Democrat candidates,
he spends his time campaigning for himself.

Then again, Obama has always made everything about him. Which is
exactly why he has never been successful at campaigning for others.

He didn’t help his own party when he was in office.
And he sure as hell isn’t going to help them now.

At the end of the day, most voters ask themselves one simple question:
“Am I better off today than I was two or four years ago?”

And no matter how you slice it, the answer today is “Yes.”

So inviting Barack Obama on the campaign trail now will only remind
voters of just how much better they have it now that he’s gone.

All commentary and photos are those of Dianny at Patriot Retort

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Hows obummers husband Michael doing?

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