The Clinton Uranium One Deal That Just Wont Go Away

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

This Uranium One deal is something that happened in 2010 while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and even President Trump has been tweeting about it recently.

The news media has been covering this story like crazy and now some Republicans in congress want Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the deal.

So what is so special about this deal that everyone wants it investigated 7 years after it happened, let me summarize for you.

In 2010 a Russian state owned mining company called Rosatom wanted to purchase a Canadian mining company called Uranium One.  The Canadian mining company Uranium One at the time owned 20% of mines in the USA that mine uranium (not 20% of uranium, 20% of mines that uranium can be mined from which were on US land).  So the US government at the time could have blocked this sale, but they did not, so the Russian company Rosatom purchased the Canadian company Uranium One.  Now Rosatom was the owner of uranium mines located on US land.

So what is the big deal here, it seems like it is just 2 international corporations buying each other out...?

The reason this is a big deal is because later information came out that the former owner of Uranium One donated $140 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation and Renaissance Capital Group (which has ties to the Kremlin and Rosatom) paid Bill Clinton $500k for giving a speech at a conference in Moscow in 2010.  

So on the surface this basically looks like bribery, which is definitely illegal.  However the way our justice system works, it is not about what things look like it is about what you can prove in court.  Unfortunately there is just no proof here that the Clinton's did anything against the law.

Simply because there are 9 federal agencies that had to approve this deal.  One of which The State Department Hilary Clinton was in charge of, so that means there were 8 other federal agencies besides the one Hilary Clinton was in charge of that could have blocked this deal.  Also Rosatom does not have legal rights to export uranium out of the USA, so they can mine all the uranium they want but it will never leave the country.  If they wanted to export they would have to get a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The real reason Rosatom wanted to buy Uranium One was because they also owned uranium mines in Kazakhstan.  Those were the mines they were really after, it was just a coincidence that they also owned mines in the USA.  They would have purchased the company even if they did not own mines in the USA, the real money making mines they wanted are in Kazakhstan.

Basically this is all old news that has been proven over the last few years but there are still Republican law makers that want this investigated further.  The reason seems to be because of Robert Mueller's investigation of Trump.

Members of the Freedom Caucus argued in congress that because Robert Mueller was the head of the FBI during the Uranium One deal that disqualifies him from leading the current investigation of the Trump administration.  So from the looks of it they are afraid of what Mueller might find and they are desperate to stop him...    Yes ladies and gentlemen this is the current state of US politics...

Here are some recent articles on this issue if you have further interest.

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