The Problem with Presidential Populism

in #politics8 years ago

Politics aside, I disavow all the candidates because I don’t think any are an appropriate representation of my views, I have a yuge problem with Presidential Populism. For one “Both candidates have been mislabeled as populists.William Greider goes on to say this also, “ But neither fits the label “populist” because they are both working within the established order. By definition, populism requires plain people in rebellion, organizing themselves to go up against the reigning powers.”

And that’s my rub.

Trump Sanders
Image Credit:

To begin, without boring you, I’ve long felt that people who only vote in the General Election in November in Presidential election years were the least understanding of voters. This may make you uncomfortable if this describes you, but it’s true.

Mathematically these votes count, but depending on your party, as Holly Wood points out maybe not the way you think they do. But that is a different story.

What I want to address here is that with the advent of a Sanders or Trump “Populism” Presidency, little or NO change will occur.


Sure in the short term “the people” will have sent “a message” to the establishment parties. A message that “we the people” are eager to respond to media driven election cycles built on reality TV type coverage. “We” tune in once every four years to see what crazy thing is on now.

But my question is, outside the ever expanding and overreach of power by the president, what difference will a “Populist President” make?

Even one of my beloved heroes, President Theodore Roosevelt, found out that populism has its limits. His run as the top of the ticket for the Bull Moose Party/ Progressive Party of 1924 didn’t work out and eventually “[t]he Bull Moose Party evaporated, and the Republicans were reunited four years later.” This man was well loved and yet over time, he faded to the underlying party machinery.

The GOP establishment might be dead or may have been like the Emperor’s new clothes, in theory. But down party Republicans and Democrats alike will still keep their party promise alive to “go along to get along” for their political expedient gains. Beyond the Presedent, these party members pervade all levels of government.

A “Populist” choice of Bernie or Trump would only place them at the helm of the establishment, not destroy it.

A change in leadership with no change in the system that got them there is no change at all.

And this is why I think people who only vote once every four years are as equally to blame as the “leaders” who got our country into this mess.

For who I suggest to turn to as leadership material, check out my book Conspire To Inspire: Everything Is Awesome When You Are Part Of A Team.


They claim their labors are to build a heaven, yet their heaven is populated by horrors. Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman. It’s too late. Always has been, always will be. Too late. - Dr. Manhattan

Image credit: GarryGaller on DeviantArt

So that's where they got that song!

I upvoted you.

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