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RE: Would Your Government Kill Its Own Citizens to Advance A Political Agenda?

in #politics7 years ago

I don't like to he one of "the conspiracy people" but this whole Vegas thing just doesn't seem right.... It feels to polished and perfect like it all went according to some master game plan. But, truth is often stranger than fiction (and that point goes to either way you look at this whole thing) and maybe it really was one guy, and he just liked to keep his guns scattered willy nilly around his hotel room instead of lined up ready to go one by one.
Either way, be prepared to get caught up in the middle of something, by having some basic first aid training and basic medical gear on you. Because if you're in the middle of something it doesn't matter if it's a false flag or just some nutter, bullets will hurt either way ....


Agreed. False flag or not. People still died.

But my main point is the government lies. Even when there is no rational reason to lie. Its like they are so used to being deceitful that they don't know how to tell the truth anymore. Even when it would be easier and beneficial to be honest they won't.

Once you accept the fact that those in power will do ANYTHING to remain in power its not a far stretch to see that they will kill their own people to do so.

Invest in gold, silver, brass, lead and steel.

Yup, definitely agree, government lies abound and the media that is supposed to get the truth out throws a whole pile of extra lies of their own on top....

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