Reddit Politics Summary Tuesday Oct 17th 17

in #politics7 years ago

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This is a digest of the top posts on reddit/r/politics over the last 24 hours.
Once a day my bot wakes up and summarizes each post and puts this message into steem. If you like it please vote :)

Holder fires back at Trump claiming Obama didn’t call soldiers’ families: ‘Stop the damn lying’

(31206) (comments)

Russian invasion? Roy Moore sees spike in Twitter followers from land of Putin

(9236) (comments)

  • "We had absolutely nothing to do with this," said Drew Messer, a spokesman for the campaign, on Monday.
  • Many of the new followers for Moore appear to be bots, with only a handful of followers and generic profile art, including photos of singer Avril Lavigne. A look at five of the accounts early Monday afternoon showed no postings promoting the former Alabama chief justice or his campaign.
  • Sebastian Kitchen, a spokesman for the Jones campaign, wrote Monday they found the reports of the Russian followers "bizarre" but had only learned of them.

Trump issues warning to McCain: 'At some point I fight back and it won’t be pretty'

(7896) (comments)

  • "Well it’s a shocker," the president told radio host Chris Plante in response to a question about McCain’s comments. "Yeah, well I hear it and people have to be careful because at some point I fight back. You know, I’m being very nice. I’m being very, very nice.
  • The remarks were widely interpreted as a shot at Trump’s political style, a mix of nationalism, populism and conservatism. McCain on Tuesday morning, however, denied that it was an explicit whack at the president.

Trump says Marino has withdrawn as drug czar nominee

(5865) (comments)

  • Joe Manchin, whose home state of West Virginia has the highest number of drug overdose deaths in the country, had vowed to block Marino's nomination from moving forward.
  • Trump last month nominated Marino to lead the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which helps coordinate the federal government's response to drug abuse issues. Marino had been a contender for the job earlier in the year but originally withdrew in the spring, citing a family illness.
  • Trump announced in August he would declare the opioid crisis a national emergency, which would allow his administration to free up federal resources to battle an epidemic killing 142 Americans every day.

John McCain just delivered a total and complete takedown of Trumpism

(4573) (comments)

Families of Military Fallen Lash Out at Donald Trump Over Claims Other Presidents Didn’t Call

(3407) (comments)

  • "The traditional way if you look at President Obama and the other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls," he said. "I like to call when it’s appropriate, when I think I’m able to do it.

White House Conveniently Stops Caring About Private E-mail Use

(3151) (comments)

  • An aide for Gowdy, a former prosecutor who was particularly critical of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail use during her time as secretary of state, said lawmakers "expect full compliance," adding that the committee is "currently in the process of evaluating whether there has been compliance, partial compliance or non-compliance" from the White House in regard to private e-mail and private travel use.
  • to determine whether any of these nongovernmental systems or private devices were vulnerable to attack by cyber criminals." Reporters found in May that the Wi-Fi networks at Trump’s properties are rather easy to hack, presenting a national-security threat; a hacker could use those Wi-Fi networks to control the recording devices on connected equipment, for example, to download a database of club members’ information.

Voter Registration Deadlines for Upcoming Statewide Elections (New Jersey, New York, Virginia, and more)!

(3055) (comments)

  • In addition the listed federal and statewide elections above, there are a number of states holding special elections for state legislative seats, as well as regularly scheduled general elections for judicial and local elections.
  • Basically, it's the Republicans trying to distance themselves from Trump by whispering to the city folks that they are a more of an anti-de Blasio party, then a pro-Trump party.
  • The USPS doesn't really give a shit what you write down as long as you get the ZIP code right but you WILL have your signature invalidated upon challenge if you wrote anything but Red Hook in the "city/town" field. But only people who live in the Village of Red Hook would tell you they live in Red Hook, everyone else would tell you they live in Tivoli or Annandale or Barrytown. For example the Village of Red Hook, the Village of Tivoli, and Hamlet of Annandale-on-Hudson, and the Village of Barrytown comprise the TOWN of Red Hook.

Stop the Name-Calling and Get to Work, Says White House That Constantly Name-Calls and Never Works

(2615) (comments)

  • GQ may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers.

'Disrespectful lie': Anger grows over Trump’s claims about past presidents and fallen troops

(2474) (comments)

  • Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2011 to 2015, said in a tweet that Obama and President George W. Bush "and first ladies cared deeply, worked tirelessly for the serving, the fallen, and their families," adding: "Not politics.
  • I like to call when it’s appropriate, when I think I am able to do it," he said.
  • "Also: Obama never attacked a Gold Star family," Rhodes added, likely referring to Trump’s lashing out at Khizr Khan, the father of a soldier killed in Iraq.

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