Reddit Politics Summary Friday Nov 24th 17

in #politics7 years ago

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This is a digest of the top posts on reddit/r/politics over the last 24 hours.
Once a day my bot wakes up and summarizes each post and puts this message into steem. If you like it please vote :)

Donald Trump running the most dishonest White House ever, says historian

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We Found 45 Suspected Bot Accounts Sharing Pro-Trump, Pro-Brexit Messages That Twitter Missed In Evidence To Congress

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  • Until BuzzFeed News approached Twitter on Tuesday afternoon with details of the accounts, they all remained active on the platform, though dormant.
  • They tweeted predominantly in German, and were primarily focused on jumping on German hashtag games and other trending topics, often inserting negative messages about the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. The network of propaganda accounts was identified using a database of 17 million Brexit-related tweets collected by the University of Sheffield.
  • However, 20 of the accounts also tweeted about Trump, and 21 about Brexit – with a huge spike of activity on the day of the referendum, 23 June 2016.

New dynamic score shows the Senate tax bill raises debt by more than advertised

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  • The problem, according to a pair of new analyses by the Penn-Wharton Budget Project, is that the Senate Republicans’ tax bill would increase federal debt by more than advertised, and increased debt accumulation would counteract much — or potentially all — of the positive growth impact of tax cuts. The result will likely be lower incomes for the bottom half of the income distribution even before considering the negative impact of inevitable spending cuts to offset the surprisingly low federal tax intake.
  • On the one hand, it needs to comply with the budget resolution’s mandate to raise the deficit by no more than $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
  • The most likely reason for this is that the last time we had a Republican administration and its Treasury Department tried to do a rigorous dynamic analysis they found that they couldn’t make it work.

House Democrats sue Trump Administration over D.C. hotel records

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  • "This hotel is not just a building with Donald Trump's name on it," said Rep. Elijah Cummings, the committee's top Democrat.

How Jeff Sessions Plans to End Medical Marijuana Before the Year Is Over

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  • For "eight years of hell," Jendron tried opioids, epidural shots and acupuncture in the hopes that she’d be able to sit down or go to her grandchildren’s birthday parties without having to leave and lie down.
  • Then, early this year, the 66-year-old upstate New Yorker got a prescription for medical marijuana to help what she called "excruciating pain." To Jendron’s surprise, her doctor was right about the weed.
  • Right now, that law, made up of just 85 words, blocks the Department of Justice from using any money to prosecute medical marijuana in states where it's legal.

President Trump is Mueller’s "primary target", and Flynn coordination is a scandal, legal expert says

(2770) (comments)

If Trump’s FCC Repeals Net Neutrality, Elites Will Rule the Internet—and the Future

(2632) (comments)

  • If net neutrality is eliminated, they will restructure how the Internet works, creating information superhighways for corporate and political elites and digital dirt roads for those who cannot afford the corporate tolls.
  • FCC chair Ajit Pai, who does the bidding of the telecommunications conglomerates with the rigid determination and focus of the former Verizon lawyer that he is, has been racing to eliminate net neutrality.
  • The FCC under Pai is handing over the internet to a few humongous gatekeepers who see the rest of us as products to be delivered to advertisers, not as citizens needing communications that serve democracy’s needs.

r/politics Against Malaria and for charity - Subreddits Against Malaria Foundation fundraising drive

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  • If you have a favorite charity or cause that you'd like to give a shout out to, now is the time! For our purposes, non-partisan means anything classified in the vein of a US 501 - that means no organizations that endorse political candidates, conduct political lobbying or are otherwise are actively engaged in the political process.
  • AMF has received the 'Top Charity' rating from GiveWell in five of the last six years, as well as 'Top Charity' ratings from Giving What We Can and The Life You Can Save for six years running. This time we're raising money for the Against Malaria Foundation, an organization that works to distribute insecticide-treated bed nets in the developing world to combat malaria.
  • "The Against Malaria Foundation is a registered charity in the UK, US, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand and South Africa.

Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey

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Friday Fun Thread Thanksgiving Edition

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  • Whether you're non-religious or religious but curious how a nontheistic morality could work, I highly recommend it.A friend of mine active in sociology gave me a copy a couple weeks ago, as he had found it intriguing and compelling. It presents an argument for a positive secular morality and way of life based in human empathy and consideration, rather than bounded by a higher power, and cites interviews with nonreligious people from all walks of life. The recently-finished book was called Living the Secular Life: New Answers to Old Questions by sociologist and professor of secular studies Phil Zuckerman.
  • Pretty much every regular coffee pot is the same: You put the filter in the smaller compartment, you pour ground coffee in the filter, and then you fill the deeper compartment with water. Put your coffee pot in the space in front of the maker, turn it on, and eventually the pot will be filled with coffee.
  • My fella navigated the random Fox-news fueled questioning like a pro, answering just enough to convey the points he agreed with while steering away from hot button topics.

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