The third of the four pillars of leftism, and this electionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

This post is a bit out of order. I intended to start out this series by explaining what the four pillars of leftism (dishonesty, economic failure, oppression, and death camps) consist of, and then do a separate blog on each.

However, this in-depth piece by Vadum, Trump Surge Freakout: More Violence Against Supporters, is worth sharing with you. I will introduce this piece in reference to the four pillars model of leftism and the relation to the third pillar of oppression. In the future, I will put this series into order.

I think there is desperation by Democrats that Trump is actually gaining in the polls and it looks real good that he’s going to win.
from the Vadum article

Leftism consists of four pillars:

  • Dishonesty about what leftism is,its goals, its methods, its results, and distorting the facts to support the narrative; this includes tactics such as identity politics, hiding the intent and identity of leftist groups behind other concepts such as "liberal" or "anarchist", front groups,and subversion of institutions
  • Economic failure should be the defining characteristic of leftism, but the dishonesty inherent in the ideology is geared to hide this fact. Mises' theoretical explanation of why leftism will always fail is borne out by the historical record. No leftist nation has ever gone from poor to rich. Although leftists will claim that "social democracy" works, they claim this in the cases of nations that were/are 1) wealthy to begin with 2) on a downward economic trajectory 3) sustained by trade with capitalist nations. While leftism cannot make a poor nation rich, it has certainly accomplished the opposite.
  • Oppression is the inevitable result of the first two pillars. When reality shines on the dishonesty of the left, or hunger highlights the economic failure, leftists use force in the attempt to secure their system. This is the pillar that Vadum's article addresses.
  • Death camps are the final progression in the Progressive process. I won't claim that these are the GOALS of leftists, but I will demonstrate that sometimes this IS a goal of specific leftist groups. Bill Ayers wrote of his desire to massacre one quarter of the American people in Prairie Fire, the manifesto of the New Left terror/doctrinal organization, Weathermen. Death camps are the final progression when dishonesty and oppression cannot control societies or produce results under leftist rule. Rummel and Conquest are the two major sources of study of the subject of democide/genocide, if you care to look them up. Their connection of leftism to genocide was not the point of their study, simply the reality of who commits mass killings in history.

How this plays into the election:
Vadum lists a series of violent and intimidating actions taken by leftists against Americans, although he has failed to include at least two firebomb attacks and tow mob assaults on individuals. However, Vadum does provide the motivation of coordinated political attack.

Many violent attacks at pro-Trump events appear to have been orchestrated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and senior operatives in the Democratic National Committee.

These violent acts are based upon the dishonest narrative of the left, particularly in identity politics and false charges of racism. As Americans of every color and creed reject this propaganda, leftists simply move to the next rung on their base ladder of being...oppression. Free speech can not be tolerated in a leftist dominated society, because free speech will always confront dishonesty and failure. Free speech that cannot be shouted down will always sought to be beaten down by the left.

Additional references:
The Left Shuts Down Free Speech In Chicago
Leftist Mob Shuts Down Milo Yannopoulos Speech at DePaul


Wow, you have quite a different view then me on what left is.
Your 4 pillars sound like corporatism or Nazis to me, but then that is likely just the first pillar speaking.

ah, but btw: Leftists are not for Hillary. After all she is a right wing member of the ruling capital.


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interesting, although I do disagree and as a leftie I'm offended at being lumped in with Hilary, her policies bear no relation to my own political beliefs.
Upvoted anyway because I like to read all sides and points of view.

Thanks for the comment! I talk about my definition on leftism in my reply to @lennstar.

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