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RE: President Trump's Inauguration Speech: Some Thoughts

in #politics7 years ago

Nicely broken down. To be upfront, I myself agree with the bulk of Trump's spoken words here (will he back them up?).

Donald Trump has criticized neo-conservative nation-building

Foreign intervention is not by definition , neo-conservatism. How much of Trumps "eradication" of Islamist extremism take place domestically (within our own burrocracy) and how much is foreign war, I can't predict. I think he will drops some bombs, assassinate some shitheads, and call it a day, but I am not betting on any of that.

I did a fairly in-depth criticism of neoconservatism
I was once a neocon - why neoconservatism failed, and why it will ALWAYS fail

Whatever approach Trump takes, it won't be a neocon approach ;)


Thanks for the reply. I agree that his approach will not be a neo-con approach: those folks, in addition to their weakness for nation-building, prefer a "permanent war for permanent peace" approach. Interestingly, this preference dovetails well with the all-volunteer military which has essentially specialized war.

You're right about there being other forms - other styles - of foreign intervention. Trump's is essentially Jacksonian: be reluctant to go to war, but once it's on you fight with all you've got and you fight to win.

I love Mead's breakdown of the typical American political mindsets; the Jacksonian thought pattern is really kind of cultural barrier to tyranny, and it has been spread through the Scots-Irish migration in America, and the influence tat migration has had on the working class as a whole

Oh, you read that too! For me, it was a real eye-opener. I wonder if it was based on David Hackett Fischer's Albion's Seed.

I'm not familiar with that one. Sigh, another reference to pile on the never shrinking list.

James Webb's Born Fighting is great for the Scots-Irish pov. Too bad he is such a corruptocrat, b/c it's a great book

Sigh, another reference to pile on the never shrinking list.

Tell me about it! I might as well be a catlady of the book world :(

Thanks for the title-drop.

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