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RE: Who am I? The politics version...

in #politics7 years ago

I see this as perhaps the first time in my life that the media did not essentially elect the president.

Reagan got past them, but never fully went after the Left; he also was influenced too much by the Deep State. The neocons at this time were anti-Soviet, and their statist tendencies were the least of their priorities.

FWIW, on a clean Left/Right scale, ancaps and voluntaryists are very much on the Right side of the spectrum (statism vs liberty); two things have kept us from seeing this:

  • Nolan and Pournelle clouded the axis by introducing secondary characteristics; both smart guys, but wrong here
  • The Left invests a lot of information war in the Narrative that anything that is not extreme Left is extremist Right

Reagan got past them, but never fully went after the Left;

Even Reagan did not receive the media bashing and such of Trump. Yes, he was a surprise but they hadn't put forth the crazed bashing of him on the level they did for Trump. Now admittedly I was pretty young during the Reagan era and not really into politics at the time, but I don't remember it having the crazed impact on society that all of this anti-Trump crap is.

I also believe the Neo-Cons actually infiltrated and corrupted both parties. When I was a delegate it was clear they were the controlling force in the GOP in 2012. I've also seen their flavor in the DNC. In fact I'd clearly call Hillary a Neo-Con. She acts almost identical.

I'd say that neocons hid their statist agenda behind nationalist and patriotic rhetoric; Clinton has never hidden her leftist viewpoints (Alinksy ), and has displayed contempt for American ideals several times

what she has in common w/ the neocons is the connection to the Deep State. hers operates on a profit margin like any other leading socialist (ie Beach House Bernie)

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