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RE: AGENDA: Friends with no one, hated by all, at war from all sides. Magicians of international relations.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

foreign intervention is a damned if ya do and damned if ya dont thing;

peace for our times led directly to WWII

OTOH, because the Deep State is essentially a corruptocracy, their perspective on when/where/how to intervene is corrupt in itself

even in the cases where intervention is "justified", there is blowback; our aid to Afgan rebels that went to Islamic terror groups, for example

In some cases, like Mexico, we are not dealing with a cordial or honest relation to begin with; their policy is to dump their human excess on us. Pushback to that policy is going to be uncordial by default ;>

every country has their own self-interest to consider (either via public choice or by dictator); while I understand Mexico's policy, it is harmful to our interests.

intervention has to be considered on a case by case basis, ever mindful of blowback; intervention does not always mean military bring the right tool to the right job

there are hundreds of cultures in the world...precious few of them value liberty and individual rights

[edit - forgot to say that while I disagree on some of what you say, you make a compelling case!]

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