I am going to stop being quasi-nice on certain subjects

in #politics7 years ago

One of the things that I really liked about Steemit in it's first few months was that there was very little of the typical internet trolling in political discussion.

The reputation and reward system kept things on a mostly courteous basis. Obviously, we are people, and some on the extremes wouldn't bother themselves with that...those people had very little success here!

And even though no one had much success in convincing others of our own positions...we are, after all, people who have a human tendency to believe what we believe and an aversion to rationality ;>...we had interesting and polite discussions.

This was very hard for me. Even though a minor theme in my discussion of critical thinking is the nature of stupidity, and how common it really is, few things set me into greater and irrational bouts of anger than stupidity does. By nature I tend to be sarcastic and judemental, and it takes effort not to wiseass folks who make, IMO, "stupid" comments

So I had my episodes of playing Steve the Asshole. It happened. I usually recognized and apologized for the behavior. In fact, I sometimes have to make a note when I am commenting that what I say is not intended to be offensive...just on a read before posting I notice that it does sound that way.

A specific change to this

I have seen this twice now since Charlottesville...the throwing out of a platitude in regards to the situation in which the commenter makes no effort to find out what happened, but to tell the Right to be civil...

...after a year of riot and assault and two years of political assassination carried out by the Left, these commenters have said nothing about that violence and political oppression.

So for those of you that throw willfully ignorant platitudes on my page, you will get the full dose of Steve the Asshole

And I am good at it ;>


After getting my first "Go F Yourself" on a post that didn't discuss that event at all, with the poster ranting about Charlottesville, it just became all the more clear how many people are completely steered by the media cycle. They get wound up and set loose like wind-up toy soldiers. Kind of scary.

I started LeBon's "Psychology of Revolution"; got about a third through it, and picked up his "Psychology of the Crowd"

Every study I have ever read seems to reinforce what LeBon said a century ago; people are idiots, and people in the mass are even more retarded

I may have paraphrased some of that ;>

Sounds like a good summary though. I am frequently surprised by normalcy bias regarding human behavior which is a function of mob mentality in a way. "Oh, that's the way it is? Okay..." Kind of like the smartphone epidemic, which I just addressed here, the last two sections of which are relevant. Belief, it seems, is contagious. It is a good thing people actually do studies on these kind of things, even though they seem like common sense, because it quantifies just how bad the problem is.

When someone repeatedly pulls on a tiger's tail, eventually they will get bitten.

While I don't condone any violence, we have seen a continuous attack on conservatives and white people in general by the leftist thugs. There have been riots, looting, assaults, assassination of police officers, blocking roads, and even torching buildings by groups like BLM and Antifa. When have we seen any of these people arrested and held accountable? All people have freedom of speech. No one has freedom to commit violent acts against their fellow human beings.

We need to start throwing anyone who engages in violent rioting in prison along with those that provide the financial backing. People like George Soros.

So, states that are declaring protesters Terrorists are correct to do so?

While I don't condone riots, it is particularly dangerous today to call for more arrests and prisoners, after recent administrations declared assassination, secret rendition, and torture completely lawful to do to US citizens without any charges ever filed, warrants issued -or even making any finding whatsoever- by any means expedient.

The USA has more slaves held in prisons than any other nation, more than any nation in history, and sells their labor for cash to corporations more than happy to profit from legal slavery.

I recommend going after the backers, propagandists, and those that commit crimes under the color of law, but reckon when those people see the inside of a cell, the rest of the cockroaches that followed them will skulk back under the rocks they crawled out from under.

S may HTF, and soon, and your calls to house rioters in subsidized housing may be interpreted as your support for so incarcerating protesters. You may consider that far further than you intended to go, but gummint has ways of twisting our intentions into their opposite effect, and call it 'compromise'.

Edit: it is mostly US states that hold prisoners, and my statement may appear to misrepresent the Federales as the incarcerators of most resort.

My Nigga!!!

he he he

I punched out my friend one night at a drunken party. My friend likes using that word, and there was a black guy at the party. The black guy asked me to say something. I did, but friend is the kind of guy that needs percussive maintenance to change any current behavior, if ya know what I'm saying

So after I punch out my frined, the black guy compliments??? me by calling me a "stone cold nigger"


I got thrown in jail for 30 days (to save my life) in 2010. There was a black guy in the dorm that called me OG!

I found a trend the last few years of political violence and anywhere antifa shows up...not much political violence happening when they dont show up

add in BLM before antifa and the trend extends, add in OWS before THEM, and the trend continues, although OWS focused mainly on properrty damage.

we know that Soros founds antifa and OWS, and I suspect he funded OWS partially as well

I figger that Charlotville was a clash between two flavors of socialists.
is that not right?
as far as
By nature I tend to be sarcastic and judemental, and it takes effort not to wiseass folks who make, IMO, "stupid" comments

I can certainly relate to that.

Actually, you are right Everitt. Rush said this today.

Rush usually is right.
I listened to him every day for a decade or so..
then I got burnt out on Talk Radio...not just him ..any radio.
so I quit listening to it.
I'd gave up on TV since about 1970.


A clash between socialists (antifa, BLM, etc) and some alt-right folk. I understand there were Klansmen and neo-nazis there, but the bulk of the alt-right there were simply defending history and the right of free speech

Yes, yet the leftist media keeps trying to spin this as a "White Supemisist" rally. The rally was actually about preserving our country's history and heritage and they were protesting peacefully and had a permit. At some point a bunch of radical trash groups showed up and started getting violent with each other. We've already seen the way antifa and BLM act. The white protesters (if that's what people are bent on calling them) were heavily armed and exercised extreme restraint in not shooting any of the left trash that were assaulting them with baseball bats, bottles of uring and feces, spitting on them, etc. Someone from antifa even had a flamethrower. The people armed with guns could have ended these people, and arguably should have, but as a testamate to their respect of the rule of law, did not fire a single shot. Good thing the leftist garbage probably can't pass the permit process to own a legal firearm, or you can bet they would not exercise similar restraint.

P.S. Being white does not make one a racist. Being Nationalist does not make one a racist either. Supporting and loving your country is a good thing - except in the warped little minds of leftist trash who see everything in life through a prism of race. They are the true racists of the world.

I avoid crowds..that's why.

well for one thing...nazis...with what ever prefix you put in front of it...are socialists.
I dunno what an alt-right is...but I'm skeptical anyway. As for the others...I dunno. But I do know NOT TO TRUST anything the newsmedia says. What ever they say is probably a lie.

all of that is true.

but neo-nazis ahve a defined racial bias - because the #fakenews lies about what the Right is, they have long defined racist as being Right-wing

there has been little pushback to that lie up to now, but I do see a growth in white based racism; which I think it is in response to the identity politics the left uses

When a group is incessantly demonized, eventually they begin fighting back. Michael Savage hit the nail on the head with remarks he made during his show this afternoon. He said that the leftist scum and the elitists in their gated mansions have no idea what it is to be poor and white in this country. There are many poor white people and for them to have to constantly hear that they have some sort of "white privilege" and owe other races things based solely on the color of those people's skin, is bound to make them angry. This is especially true when many whites are struggling and worrking two jobs to make ends meet just like other people are.

They certainly never experienced any of this mysterious white privilege they keep hearing about and get chastized for. Instead, whites have been systematically been treated like doormats and spit upon by certain groups like BLM who make racist statements all the time without any backlash. How about the BLM lady who was an elementary school kids teacher saying that white people should be killed.

Who's standing up for white people? White people created the US, wrote the declaration of independance, and are responsible for many of the technological and scientific advances that make our way of life possible. Yet, "whitey" seems to be the villian in the minds of some of these vile racists who seem to be looking at themselves int he mirror when they are pointing fingers screaming about racism.

Over 70% of the people in the US are white and they have been repeatedly beeing punched in the nose both figurately and literally by minorities for decades. Believe me, if white people were the racists in this country, the minorities would know it.

Over 70% of the people in the US are white and they have been repeatedly beeing punched in the nose both figurately and literally by minorities for decades.

There is a problem with this statement; it makes it sound like all whites are under attack by all mintoities.

While there is a general attack on whites, it is organized and led by white liberals

There are also American patriots that are minority.

The blame factor needs to be aimed directly at the Left, the ones causing the division in line with their political control and tyranny

White Americans are the ones being demonized was what I am trying to say. The demonization is indeed coming from the left by both radical marxist and communist white people, but much of it is also coming from racist minority groups that have allied with the white leftist groups. Certianly I don't mean to imply that all minorities are racist and attacking white people; however, you would be truly amazed at how many otherwise wonderful, intelligent, and educated minorities I know that buy into this idea of "white privilege" and think that things like "affirmative action" (government sponsored discrimination against white males), and even reparations for all blacks in the US (even though less than 1% of any black or white person in the US today has an ancestral ties to slavery) are a good idea.

I believe that you cannot punish people in the present for the wrongs of people in the past, or reward people in the present for things that happened to someone else in the past. It is unjust in every way imaginable and causes resentment.

I honestly think that we need to return to a purely merit based society. No more affirmative action and other discriminatory programs. Merit. Anyone that cannot agree to move on with their life and enjoy the wonderful freedom and opportunity we have in this country should be given a first class ticket to the country on their choice, and some start-up money on the condition that they permanently renounce their US citizenship and never return. We don't need hostile bitter people with a chip on their shoulder here. They will never be happy or successful and only seem to take joy in dragging other people of all races and the country down.

I also want to point out that the leftist media which is mostly owned by foreigners like the Commie Chinese, Saudi Princes, and a Mexican billionaire, who do not have America's best interest at heart are vile. I listened to President Trump RIGHTFULLY decry ALL the violence and he was immediately attacked by the leftist vermin in the media.

Why is the media's panties ina bunch that anyone dare to point out what everyone can see with their own eyes about Antifa and BLM and the rest of the radical left? These people should be thrown in a cell for inciting violence and sedition. It should have happened long before what happened last weekend too.

Now we have these vermin rampaging on a tour through the South desecrating public property and our nation's history, and NO arrests are made as police are ordered to stand down and watch it happen. It's disgusting. These people are no better than ISIS. Period. Just because you don't like something does NOT give you the right to attack people or destroy things. These people are a menance to society and should be locked up.

Obviously not everyone at that rally was a KKK member or White Supremist. And By the way, when did the term "Nationalist" start to mean "White Superemist" as the media tries to portray. I feel like we're literally living in George Orwell's 1984 where the communist trash rioters are erasing our country's history and heritage and redefining words in order to demonize innocent people. There's nothing wrong with being a nationalist. It mean that you love your country and put it first. It's the opposite of a globalist. Nationalists come in all races and I think being a nationalist is a good thing, except to the marxist scum on the left.

White Americans are the ones being demonized was what I am trying to say. The demonization is indeed coming from the left by both radical marxist and communist white people, but much of it is also coming from racist minority groups that have allied with the white leftist groups.

You are absolutely right in this.

Those of us on the right need to be very careful about the way we speak; those things that can be twisted WILL be twisted by the enemy.\

We need to be informed, we need to be precise, and we need to be able to defend what we say

We need to backtrack where it is necessary, but we need to strive to be 100% right in the first salvo, because when we backtrack (and we will occasionally need to do), the Left will focus on the ACT of backtracking, and not the acknowledgement of truth which drove the act

Thanks for coming back!

Alt Right
sounds like socialism to me.
One again...nazi...neo or other wise...are NOT rightwing...nor is anything associated with them.

The alt-right is misunderstood, and because it is made of different elements, it is easy for the Ministry of Truth to use the specifically white-identity portion of it to cast us all as "racists"; again, we all are against the Left and the corruptocrats that ally with the Left...we are a danger to that alliance and must be propagandized against. "Racist" is a attention getter for sure

.nazi...neo or other wise...are NOT rightwing.

yup. agreed. now convince the cheerleaders of the DNC at CNN to admit that

I feel no need to attempt to convince anyone of anything.
Forty years of hard knocks has pretty much beat that notion out of my head.


aint there yet. I only been beating my head against the wall for 33 years.

I'm too stupid to quit

if I may be so bold as to make an observation.
no offense.
I'd guess that you think that on some level it all makes sense.
it's hard to accept the fact that it doesn't.


We cant reach utopia. It doesn't exist; even if it were possible to create Utopia like external situations, we'd still have to contend with human nature

What I think we can do is come close, but it takes a certain minimum of the human race to sack up and do "the right thing"

chasing utopia, do-gooding, trying to control other people in behvior that only affects them personally?

these things interfere with the optimum modes of government

so far, a constituionally based rule of law with built in divsion of power gets us the closest

but that still requires people to stand up and combat constant corruption and nanny-stating

[editied: on the bottom layer of it all? maybe things canrt make senses, but we can create places where "senses is normal, if not 100% constant]

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