Thousands of students protest on the streets of Paris against new Educational Fees. (Live coverage)

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Students protest on the streets of Paris

Credit: RT Ruptly

Educational Fees

I was scanning my news feeds earlier and came across this live coverage of the Student Protests in Paris.

Credit to RT for the content in the live stream and video.

As thousands of students protest on the streets of Paris against new Educational Fees this is another example of a failed Financial System.

For the past four weeks, we have seen the escalating protests on the streets of Paris against a number of issues, all with one common denominator, the Financial System.

People are simply fed up of being ripped off and lied too.

These protests are far from over and may well turn out to be the beginning of something much bigger.

Thanks again for reading and watching.



This is the beginning of something bigger for sure. Personally the government won't listen in my opinion but it might just wake a few people and that is needed 💯🐒

This is the beginning of something bigger for sure.

This belief mirrors my sentiments. These last 4 weeks may well turn out to be the precursor of something much bigger. Stephen

Lets hope so. I feel the UK just roll over too much. But this has spread to Germany and Belgium also I heard outside the EU building. Of course the propaganda does not report this 💯🐒

I thought the protests have ended.

I thought the protests have ended.

No. These protests may well turn out to be the start of something much bigger. There is a lot of anger out there and people are simply fed up of being ripped off. Most people have been forced into a bottomless pit of Debt and Misery that they simply now have nothing to loose. If my gut feeling is right then this is going to continue until there is a radical overhaul of the corrupt Financial System. Stephen

Wow!! OK, I see.

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