President Donald Trump Bombs Syria. Again.

in #politics6 years ago

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President Donald Trump made the decision to bomb Damascus in Syria "in response" to the supposed chemical attacks that Bashar al-Assad. When it comes to the Military Industrial Complex, meet the new President, same as the last President and the President before him, and the President before him...

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I feel the same way Stef, I've gone even farther and volunteered hoping to help from within. After exposing Clinton Corruption in the N.H. voting station (she was busing people in from New York and Massachusetts etc.)I was investigated by the Secretary of State and nothing happened after that..... its bad guys, its real bad.......

The world has never seen a failed banana republic as big as this one.
Mobsters running for president and extorting every nation on the planet for 'protection money'

There seems to be no way out, the next election will be like this:
Trump, Clinton, Obama, Bush and Sanders all in one bad-ass dystopian cage fight. The last 'man' alive will be POTUS. This would then at least do away with a few warmongers and war criminals.

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