
Thank you for the topic. Thank you for supporting Palestine. They are a people deprived of their rights by the Israeli Zionist movement. I have no knowledge of politics. I have read your subject about the assassination. I just understood some things. In all cases thank you for sharing

Thank you for reading @moroccantoughts
Sometimes we've got to get involved in politics, whether we like it or not. It's good to have men such as him as a guiding star.

I agree with you

history that reminds us all of the enormous impacts, the impacts of the war. May there be no war and we all live in peace and peace.
Thanks this history @steemswede

politic is a very dangerous...

If you're honest and courageous, then yes, it can be very dangerous. If you're a paid mouth-piece, it's very safe.

May the Palestinians soon get their right ... good sharing @steemswede

A sad but intriguing story.

The Omega egg just kicked off today at 7:00 AM Eastern standard time and will be ongoing every 2 hours after and only releasing ten at a time. The cost of the Omega egg is right around 80 dollars in ethereum but just like cryptokitties the early rare-er ones will be the ones to go after! Everyone will receive one "referral" egg that even if you don't refer you will at least get one for joining during the pre-launch.

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