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RE: The Corrosive Effects Of Identity Politics

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

distract us from issues far more important to a larger percentage of the population, and degenerate debate into reactionary, impulsive responses that offer no solutions.

Great post; and, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the gig is up.

It’s obvious that rattling on and on about what those with an agenda (seeking to destroy civility in a nation), is the attention grab of the day. If we talk about that at-the-mike hateful spill, then we can’t applaud the positive strides being made.

It also prevents having a…

constructive debate about issues we all face as a people.

Realistically, the whole world is one big CASTE system. If you don’t believe it, just observe how the wealthy ‘promoters’ of dissent are rarely seen walking down the street ‘promoting’ their agenda. They’re always in the safe spaces of talk shows and platformed stages.

There’s more to say; but, for what end? Either one gets it, or they don’t.

Note: It’s ashamed that people with the mike don’t use it to empower issues of significance; such as, why in the 21st century is infant mortality among black women in the U.S. compared to a 3rd world country?
And, why isn't dental health, the foundation of a healthy body, not factored in to the healthcare equation?

Btw, I hate that term: 3rd world country, as in many ways the U.S. healthcare system reminds me terribly of such. Heaven forbid we talk about the trillion-dollar debt, which might someday make gazillion a real

Best regards.



Like I said in the comment above, we started as a republic, not a democracy.

The key difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has implications for minority rights. Both forms of government tend to use a representational system — i.e., citizens vote to elect politicians to represent their interests and form the government. In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a "pure democracy," the majority is not restrained in this way and can impose its will on the minority.

The word democracy is absent from the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. So is having a central bank that prints money and loans it to the government with interest. It was clearly designed to prevent that from ever happening and as time went on the bankers undermined that whole premise. Sneaky fuckers.

That's what happens when people become ignorant of their own rights and let it happen. It's a shame really because the original document protected your rights as long as you didn't harm people or property. We are not even supposed to have a standing army, that's why the Second Amendment was passed. It wasn't about the right to hunt, it was so people could defend themselves from the government which historically, if unchecked, always evolves into tyranny eventually. The right to bear arms was so that people could rise up against the threat of governments infringing their rights if the need arises. It's very telling that the government is doing everything it can to frame the issue so that people demand to lose that right too.

not even supposed to have a standing army,

I clearly need to research the Constitution on this point.

Interesting, but I don’t see how this one makes sense in that wars have been since the beginning of time.
How is America supposed to defend against other countries without a ‘standing army’, aka Defense system in place? Clearly we need a military; especially, in a world where other countries would/could annihilate…

Best regards,


Let’s hope that those with eyes and ears have as well, the critically thinking cerebral faculty to compliment such otherwise inherent gifts.

In my view, there is nothing inherently wrong with the basic construct of naturally occurring organic hierarchies, however, when such politically-based constructs enable themselves to write, interpret, and enforce laws to suit their ends, it is indeed the time that such hierarchies need to come under intense question as to the basic integrity and ultimate purpose for which they exist in the first place.

In my view, neither government nor any facet of the political realm should be in the business of granting licensure or imposing coercion of any sort - be it via the tax system, defining marriage, gender, the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the FDA, the AMA, or any other such ill-perceived “mandated” entity.

The moment such unbridled powers are enabled by the quasi “democratic” legal process of so-called “democracy,” their corrupt motives are nearly impossible to reverse. Case in point – the world at large, as we see it today; at least from the perspective of those with eyes, ears, and in possession of the critically acute set of reasoning skills with the ability to sift through all of the bullshit and propaganda that is incessantly hoisted upon the proletariat at large.

Best regards in kind.

Peace, Love, and Justice for All

question as to the basic integrity and ultimate purpose for which they exist

Talking politics reminds me so much of my belief that those in ‘control’ have the mike in hand and the most money in the bank accounts.

ability to sift through all of the…propaganda

The less one listens to people with an agenda on either side of the coin, the less stress they encounter.

Nothing going on is really a shock, as it was written long before you or I was ever thought of…nothing new under the sun.

There will be wars and rumors of wars. And, at the end of the day, the only thing I can say to all who will listen is read John 3:16 and decide for yourself as the Spirit speaks to you.

Not to be dramatic; but we are at a juncture in existence which I have never observed in my adult years. There seems to be a serious attack on things that stand for civility; and, the strongest bond people typically have as a family.

Ultimately, nothing has power that God will not allow. I trust it will all work for His Glory and the good of the people overall. (Romans 8:24-25)

It will serve as proof that race matters are minuscule when the real ‘stuff’ htf.

Be ready.

Many ask why I end with Peace; it’s because, it’s my hope that all may encounter this in the times to come as I sense turbulent times will catch many unawares.


Beautifully said, and respected to the utmost. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best... Therein lay the quest and hope for a peaceful resolution to the quagmire created... I hear you my friend, and appreciate your point of view! Peace in kind!

Peace in kind!

As noted in the original post, we, as a people, will be far better served by peacefully agreeing to disagree than staging wars over personal opinions.

Too often, people don't seem as interested in changing laws, as much as, creating an undercurrent of chaos.

Best regards.


Agreed whole-heartedly... Perhaps one day the masses will recognize this, and act accordingly... And again... Peace in kind! :-)

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