Blue Collar Rokita: Is Rokita the union vote magnet Indiana's GOP needs to win?

in #politics6 years ago

Around the time WIBC's Rob Kendall took to social media and the airwaves to broadcast there were no sponsors and no support for U.S. Indiana Senate candidate Todd Rokita, I got a phone call. It was from an Indiana union factory worker.

trump union.jpg

Trump won key states because he got the union vote. Can Rokita win their vote in November if he's the GOP candidate to go against Donnelly? If the guy I talked to is indicative of how the rest of the state feels, Rokita will crush Donnelly.

Real men who work blue collar jobs don't care about slick campaign shenanigans, who has the best fake commercials or what the fake news says. They care about action, results and how the candidate votes in congress. They aren't stupid and they pay attention.

I have a soft spot for these guys.

They're the ones who keep our country running. They make real things. They fix real things. They get up early in the morning. They don't complain. They work and at the end of the day they're tired. I respect them. I respect what they do for my state. I respect what they do for their families. I respect that they want a country with jobs and leadership that won't sell America off to foreign countries via bad trade deals or raise their taxes.

I know a lot of them gave their vote to the "Blue Collar Billionaire" Donald Trump, which handed the electoral votes to key states Trump needed to win. I was proud of them for it and knew they'd made the right decision. I knew they were now woke and starting to understand exactly what went wrong and where the jobs went. The newly woke rust belt flipped from democrat bondage to MAGA because they love and trust Trump.

That's why the factory worker's phone call got my attention. He knew the issues. He'd met with Todd Rokita and told me he wasn't like any other politician he'd ever met. He said Todd asked to sit down with him for 1.5 hours as they discussed jobs, trade, unions and the future for American families.

He told me that Todd actively listens and acts on what this constituency tells him. Then he told me all the guys in the factory love Todd and he sent me pictures of their tool boxes. I don't have a tool box, but I had a cube at the office. If I put a sticker on it, that sticker was special and meant something.

This is love right here.

Rokita Factory 2.jpg

Don't believe those blowhards in the fake news media. Listen to what real men say about the candidates. To me, these pictures are worth a thousand words. Rokita can win Indiana union votes in November.

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PART 1: Todd Rokita makes Indiana's WIBC 93.1 act like fake news

PART 2: Meet the fake news liberal AP hitman out to get Rokita

Melyssa Hubbard
Indiana Tea Party founder
Author, Spanking City Hall

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