Left and right thinking explained with Pokemons

in #politics6 years ago

Why the left and the right don’t get each other. This is my take on it trying to explain to you where some of the difference lies. Left lives a life thinking people are like RuneScape characters where everyone has the same maximum potential ie. level cap. When I played RuneScape the maximum level for each skill was 99 whether it was strength, cooking or smithing. And everyone had the potential to get the admired “Max cape” showing you have all skills at 99. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you want to be the next Usain Bolt you can do it.

skills ja max cape.png

The right thinks people are more like Pokémon’s. Every Pokémon has his strengths and weaknesses. If you are a Torterra, a 300kg turtle with a tree on your back you can forget about being as fast as a electric dog like Jolteon

Torterra and jolteon.png

And you will never be as good with electric type moves. As in Pokémon so in real life people have inherited advantages in different aspects. It’s really apparent in Olympics where we bring together the worlds best of the best to compete against each other. Not many whites to be seen in 100m run. Could it be that some black races have an inherited advantage in speed?! Or is this institutional reverse racism? Oh right, the Left thinks that reverse racism does not exist. Forget what I said. So the worlds fastest runners have some kind of advantage what comes of being black. Because no one can compete against them.

If you dig deeper in to the Pokémon stats you find out that even two Torterras are not the same. Pokemons have IV and EV. IV or Individual Values are like the genetics of Pokémon. In short there can be a genetically shitty Torterra and a good Torterra but all Torterras are always more powerful (in the end) than a weak pokemons like Caterpie but always weaker than for example the legendary Pokémon. EV are Effort Value as the name tells you. The more effort you put in the better you get. In short if you fight against fast Pokémon you will become faster. Just like real life.


So how do I see things? Let’s combine both allegories. This is Pete a RuneScape player. Pete is shining knight who likes combat. He has level 80 strength 60 attack. As a knight Pete doesn’t care for farming, so Pete’s farming skill is only 20. He has potential maximum strength and attack of 90. Not the best but still very good. And farming maximum potential you have 70 average. Your life is good.

knight ja smithing master.png

But here is Mike. Mike has a maximum potential of 99 in smithing and he has used all his time to hone his skill. Now he is the best of the best in smithing and is one of the few who has the right to wear the smithing mastery cape. He can single-handedly craft the best armor in the game for you and others to use. He is revered all across the game world and people run after him where ever he goes and beg him to smith the best armor for them also. Of course the wealthy knights who want the best of the best pay him accordingly no price is too high for the best armor in game.

Premium platebody.png

Pete understands that Mike really is better than him and can’t understand why. People are supposed to be all the same thinks Pete.
Pete sees Mike’s fame and thinks that Mike has stolen it somehow. Pete doesn’t know exactly how but he has a feeling that Pete has not earned his success and you should earn just as much fighting goblins. Toxic thoughts start to brew in his mind. All smith are as good as Pete. Pete must have stolen his skill! Somehow he has oppressed all the low level smiths to get this good. Rune plate bodys should be funded by the government and there should be a minimum wage for all smith regardless of their skill. Pete and friends start a movement against the racist white smithing supremacist!

The End

(Yes, I know that the skill capes and rune plate body being the best armor are not from the same era. Ignore it.)

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