Is There a Political Home for Me?

in #politics7 years ago

Deviating from parenting to talk about something that's bugging me. I help people switch to solar in addition to all my other hats. I got into it when I found out you can go solar for no money down with payments that are equal to or less than what you currently pay to your utility company. I had no idea this was the case and was so stoked. I thought it was just a matter of getting the word out. I thought people would be tripping over their own feet to jump on this. Especially, I thought, my progressive friends.


Let's be clear that I have long considered myself very far left. I make Bernie Sanders (the real one, not the asshat on here) look really moderate. I'm not communist. Honestly it's a nice idea, but, you know, assholes ruin nice things, and people, especially men, can't resist the sexy lure of power. I am very passionate about social and economic justice. I'm also, obviously, very passionate about environmental issues, and I thought my friends on the left shared these values.

Alas it seems they just want to puss and moan about Trump and Ryan and Turtle. Don't get me wrong. All three of those cocksuckers make me sick to my stomach, but when it's clear we can't depend on them to do anything that even resembles ethical, it seems obvious to me that we need to get shit done. And yet, it has been a challenge to convince people to go solar. And I'm not just working with one region. We have a network of small providers in our platform, so I can refer people all across the US, Canada, and Australia. It's madness to me that people say they care about the environment but are hesitant to do something that makes economic sense and helps our very serious ecological crisis. Obviously the earth is fine, but we seem to be endangering our ability to live here.


Black Lives Matter has done a pretty fantastic job of bringing attention to some crucial issues. Of course black people know they can't depend on the government for any kind of justice. I think we need a similar movement for the planet that is focused more on direct action and less on government policy. Now maybe that starts to sound libertarianish, but before all y'all get excited, I have zero faith in corporations to regulate on workers rights or environmental issues, and considering that people still have no problem choosing to buy from corporations they know commit crimes against humanity and the earth, I've no faith in the market either. When Nestle goes out of business, I'll reconsider my position here. Oh, and I'm pro informed choice on vaccines too, so that always complicates things. So many lefties (not mentioning any names) have gone full government control crazy on this issue. (A side note: do you consider that more communist or fascist because the government is where the laws officially come from, but it's clearly run by the pharmaceutical companies?)

A controversial statement. I certainly hope so, but we've been shitting on the planet and a lot of people for a long time now. I have many black friends who would argue that we actually aren't better than how we've suddenly realized we've always behaved.

So where do I fit? The left is disappointingly limp. Just unwilling to stand up and fight for the earth, for LGBTQP people, for black people. Not complain, real action. Lots of anarchists and libertarians seem to have the real get up and go but in my opinion a misplaced faith in people to choose what's right. I mean people shop at Walmart and still buy gas when it's cheaper to run an electric car and would rather complain about the national anthem than innocent people getting killed by cops without consequence. Where's my place? My 19 yo has told me that he's now an Anarcho communist. I don't even know what that means. Somebody help me out?


The economic growth is linked to our ability to produce energy, not to left or right governmental policy, so you are perfectly right to promote solar energy. Now, some fairer redistribution of wealth is necessary too, but this will better done by some group of activists than by government.

For sure solar energy gets us out of a host of crises. Energy independence is certainly one of them. I have some hope that activists will be able to handle the tasks, but there are few people who realize the power of the masses. And fewer still able to resist the tempting offer of power when it gets to that point.

Great post solarsupermama! anarcho-communism? Sounds schizophrenic! But I think I get it. I know when I was a teenager I had a similar out-look. And it actually was hugely fragmented and fragmenting, like scotch taping ideas together based on what I had been exposed to that I resonated with while not really having a cohesive developed philosophy that made actual historical sense. I think when it gets down to brass tacks, corporate control of the planet and our lives is the construct that needs to become a thing of the past and then living a moral life based on simple spiritual tenets. Thanks for having this conversation on steemit! Upvoted!

He's incredibly smart, way smarter than I am, and we generally share similar views, but I agree that practically it seems really difficult to piece those together. I get what he's going for. Same thing I am, really. Get government out of vaginas and sex lives, better justices, protect the marginalized and our ability to live on the planet. I agree ending corporate control is almost surely step one. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for joining the conversation!


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