Republicans and democrats come together in effort to ban deadly gun modifications found in the Las Vegas Shooting.

in #politics7 years ago

Bump Stock: The king of rifle mods.

There are many gun and rifle mods out there in the market today. Some will make your weapon lighter, some will make it more accurate, and others make it silent. One mod in particular known as the "bump stock" converts normal or semi-automatic rifles into fully automatic rifles.

What are bump stocks?

Bump stocks are a particular rifle modification that as mentioned convert regular legal rifles into illegal fully automatic rifles without actually making it illegal. It does this by taking away the requirement for shooters to pull the trigger each time when firing a shot. With a bump stock mod rifle owners can simply shoot their entire magazine load with one squeeze of the trigger. In terror term, this allow the shooter to cause maximum carnage. This ability to shoot fully automatically is especially deadly when shooting into a dense crowd like that in the Las Vegas shooting.

Here is a video of a bump mod in action.

Will congress take real action this time?

After witnessing the deadliness of the bump stock modification in action, Republicans are now joining Democrats at the negotiation table in effort to ban the sales of such a devices. Previously in 2013, the matter of restricting bump stock sales was brought up to congress the topic was over looked and a vote never took place. Notable Republicans that agreed to work on a bipartisan effort to ban deadly gun mods such as the bump stock are Senator John Cornyn of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, John Cornyn of Texas and even Marco Rubio of Florida. Time will tell if something actually get passed. For now things look hopeful.

“It doesn’t take a weapon away. It just means you can’t convert it into something it’s not meant to be.” Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat

“I own a lot of guns, and as a hunter and sportsman, I think that’s our right as Americans, but I don’t understand the use of this bump stock,” Senator John Cornyn of Texas

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