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RE: It's Not About Politics.

in #politics5 years ago

There's proof of it all over. Polar bears are dying. Forests are burning. Ice is melting at an alarming pace.

Please present proof of polar bears dying off. This is not true.

Forests are burning in Ca, because they are not allowing fire lanes to be kept clear like they do everywhere else. Man Made Global Warming has NOTHING to do with forest fires. Please present data correlating the union of these two isolated conditions.

The Ice melt claims are not true, Two expeditions of scientific Idiots have gone to measure this ice loss, and have been trapped in the non existent ice, and had to be rescued with ice breakers. Please list proof of Ice loss (It might savce some of these fools).

Google Earth Engine is a tool that has satellite imagery data of the past decade.
This enables us to monitor environmental changes and its effect on our planet .

A DECADE is not enough data to project any real trends. A Century is a beginning, but not enough information without data washing.
Google Earth buy it's images from varied satellites that have down time. What thermal data do you think they can collect from a half a dozen commercial satellites, that they rent time on?

Do you want to learn the science behind this hoax? I will invest some time for you, if you are really interested. If you are not interested in science, I will leave you to your Psudo-science.

Be Blessed.


This is the Man made Global warming Echo chamber. Get it right, here is National Geographic admitting that the film was not scientifically accurate.

The Fact is what I stated before; when the ice breaks up (as it does every year) the polar bears eat VERY well, because the seals can't hide under the ice anymore.

Look at the population increase in the link I posted.

This is 100% political...100%! They want a new tax on CO2 emissions based on their pseudoscience, that can not predict Historic global temperatures. That means that their model is flawed.

Google censors World Class Scientists to maintain their echo chamber data. I stopped using Google years ago, due to their AI Filters.

This video shows nice pictures, but no real data.

Satellites do not measure temperature. They measure radiances in various wavelength bands, which must then be mathematically inverted to obtain indirect inferences of temperature.[1][2] The resulting temperature profiles depend on details of the methods that are used to obtain temperatures from radiances. As a result, different groups that have analyzed the satellite data have produced differing temperature datasets. Among these are the UAH dataset prepared at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the RSS dataset prepared by Remote Sensing Systems.

The satellite time series is not homogeneous. It is constructed from a series of satellites with similar but not identical sensors. The sensors also deteriorate over time, and corrections are necessary for orbital drift and decay.[3][4] Particularly large differences between reconstructed temperature series occur at the few times when there is little temporal overlap between successive satellites, making intercalibration difficult.[citation needed][5]

Read that last line again. A science experiment is only as accurate as the data collected.

So it is politics supported by Pseudoscience. The Real Scientists agree that the Pseudoscience is supporting this hoax.

Nasa was chastised for lack of scientific acmun, in exchange for a promise of more shuttle flights, by Sandia Labs. They called them scientific prostitutes.

Carbon dioxide is a statistical outlier, Not a control variable! It would be like rolling down your window to control the speed of your car on the highway. It makes no measureable change. LOOK AT THE DATA, AND THEIR COMPUTER MODELS! There is No Science here!

BUT, it is something that can be meaaured...and TAXED! This is why it is politics, it is control through taxation, of a bogus, self correcting, variable.

I am willing to discuss their junior high school 'scientific' mistakes, if you are interested. But Nasa sold out, and should be ashamed!

Science MUST never be for sale!


But I appreciate the link, I just fried Nasa by a scientific review of their site. It was nice to be able to punch their site full of holes, their reply will be interesting. They will gavd to kick it upstairs to thier real scientists to answer most of them.

I don't get to school Nasa every day!


Satellite temperature measurements
Satellite temperature measurements are inferences of the temperature of the atmosphere at various altitudes as well as sea and land surface temperatures obtained from radiometric measurements by satellites. These measurements can be used to locate weather fronts, monitor the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, determine the strength of tropical cyclones, study urban heat islands and monitor the global climate. Wildfires, volcanos, and industrial hot spots can also be found via thermal imaging from weather satellites.
Weather satellites do not measure temperature directly.

Out of control fires produce carbon dioxide and other ozone harming substances that will keep on warming the planet well into what's to come. They harm forests that expel CO2 from the air. What's more, they infuse residue and aerosols into the air, with complex impacts on warming

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