Can Illegal Discrimination be ignored under the Law, for Political reasons?

in #politics6 years ago

Here is an interesting story about illegal discrimination from Wal-Mart; that has resulted in a lawsuit for discrimination. They are asking for the same fines from a previous lawsuit, citing that as a precedent.

IF WE DO HAVE THE RULE OF LAW Still; they must be treated the same as the previous case, or politics has officially overridden the Rule Of Law!


Interesting story. Reminds me of a bake sale they had on our college campus. They charged for cookies based on your race with the same percentages as you were charged for college tuition based on your race... Funny thing is they called the police and it was shit down immediately. It's legal for some to discriminate actually mandatory. While others get the cops called for doing it. Hard world to raise children, if the rules don't apply to all.

That bake sale was not PC, did they arrest the sellers? I would have forced them to do so! What a perfect lawsuit that would make, LOL!
They do not understand, it must apply to everyone equally, or we are done! When the downtrodden are kicked in the face this way long enough that they despair of equal treatment under the law, that same law will be cast aside! Then a new nation will form; sadly in a bath of blood; with equal laws, at it's core! >:(

Sadly i think you're right. I'm just always shocked how little people care. Most people don't even want to talk about it

The first step in a Fascist regime is to restrict discourse. They usually begin by shouting down anyone that has an opposing view. When that is no longer effective, they begin direct violence against those they disagree with.This is where we find ourselves today, with the (Ironically) Antifa (anti Fascists) providing the violence to forward the true Fascists agenda. With the Occupy providing the shout down; and BLM providing a little of both, as a bridge between the two policies.

This is not accidental, and is focussed on the total destruction of this Republic, and what we recognize as the American Way of Life! >:(

Sam Walton would be apoplectic if he knew what the social engineers and globalists/Communists have done to his company!

Rolling in his grave for sure! He should have taught his kids better, SMH! >:(

They sure have reversed what he set up to begin with with Wal-Mart. They no longer use US made, and they no longer warranty either.

Was it the kids or the grandkids?

I remember when they first began selling Chinese crap shoes, I got a magic marker and carefully added "Made in China" to all the signage. This was before mass surveillance, obviously....

So, you are one of those conservative terrorists I hear about, ROFLOL! I have often suspected that.... :D

It is almost impossible to get anything from that store that is fit to buy. It is the same stuff I see in the dollar stores, just marked up. *>:(

LOL...ain't that the truth.

The sad thing is, if we back out of Chinese-made crap altogether, our globalist masterS have made sure that we will pay with WW III, AS A RESULT.

If we just stop buying their stuff, on a personal basis, we can lower the import quantity with no official policy.

I have made what I needed from scratch, instead of buying Chinese junk, more than one time. I have also done without, to avoid buying their substandard junk.

I will continue to do so. >:(

Good man! Good thoughts...

Good actions, caps that off! ♡♡♡

well well well...can't think of anything to say so you just put up someone's article. that's real work there. love all the photos and writing skills displayed.

Of course, you taught me well, LOL!

Knowing that this sweet kid would get ZERO help from the MSM, I decided to throw my little (49) support behind her, to do what I can to help!

Of course if a Whale like YOU resteemed this, she might have a chance.... :)

haha! wow sir smithlabs won't that be something when we grow to the point of actually being able to help someone?

ROFLOL, I may never know.... I guess I am a miner 49er. >:(

hahaha! no no no! sir smithlabs you are moving forward at least, you'r e over halfway to 50 because you're at 49.654 so at least you're on the downside now.

Well they don't hate me as much as FB does at least, ROFLOL! So should I start adding a line of 49's at the bottom of my posts? At least until I break out? :)

ha! hey that's an idea, I wonder if anyone would know what it meant?

Just you and I, ROFLOL! I already added it to one post, LOL!


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