Lessons learned? Mainstream media continues to peddle Russia-gate conspiracy

in #politics7 years ago

"There has yet to be any concrete evidence proving collusion between the Russian government and the Trump presidential campaign. While mainstream media continues to push the Russia-gate narrative, it is not uncommon for stories to be retracted and journalists fired." - RT


If they had something, impeachment proceedings would be well on their way, or at least the start of them. The lack of any real movement toward taking Trump out only solidifies the already well-known fact that what they have is exactly...balls.

These people are getting desperate, they know they are in getting closed in on. Watch out for more false flags in the coming days and weeks!!

"No Russian collusion", claims Russian propaganda outlet, despite comically overwhelming evidence of collusion.

iraqi information minister if he worked for russia

Correction: "comically overwhelming" lack of any evidence.

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