in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Australia Is doing the same thing to their kids as here in the U.S. I cant believe this is what it has come down to.

Suit Yourself Is the shit, People need to listen to him before its to late.
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I made a post about the same thing in washington over a month ago. it goes into effect beginning of 2017. They are brain washing our kids all over the world. This shit is insane. WTF is wrong with people?

Welcome to a brave new world.


I bet if Western society and by society I mean Western corporations that market kid clothes didn't artificially segregate children into the pink and blue group in the first place, this crap wouldn't be such a big deal because there'd be no base for it. Not putting my kid in school until they're old enough to think for themselves that's all I can say.

Home schooling sounds better and better by the day.

I'm researching on homeschooling so I can better pass it on to parents.
Anyone else thinking of Pink Floyd's song ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL part 2 ?

Hi thanks for sharing on steemit, I'm one of Suit's subs on youtube, I left plenty of comments on his video.
He is awesome, and I hope we can somehow save the kids from these dangerous brainwashing extreme ideology radicals.
There is nothing lower than people who target kids at their most vulnerable, heck targeting kids in general. Period.

they are doing it here in the usa too. starting in kindergarten too as of 2017.
I made a post about it and then I seen his vid and it was like damn, so I had to post it. xD

imagine how big the mental hospitals will be 15 years from now.

LOL all of the usa
Shit they already have half or so on meds and zoned out on tv so not to far away.
Playing stupid little games like they have board games in them to pass the time.

this reminds me of a story about a man who decided to put everyone in the whole world in a cage. so, he built a really high fence around everyone, that ended up only being a fence around his house. that ought to keep them in, he decided.

now all he needs is chuck E cheese balls 3 feet deep.

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