If they hand over their guns!

in #politics6 years ago


We enter the hearsay age.

Potentially the most dangerous stage/age of them all!.

If they hand over their weapons, with no proof, and just a call of duty amateur video as proof, we are entering the final stage, us v them! and they have better weapons!

If they hand over their weapons, without proof of a real person, without a photo, without a name, we have a serious, and major problem!

Will you fight to look after someone that simply believes everything they hear, see or read?....

"They serve a purpose" Say the enemy!

Serious question, and only the few will get it, so to you, the few, what you going to do?.........


Talk about some

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Thanks, I will sell that drama now. :-)

All's I have to say about this is that NZ is making a huge mistake. It's really surprising that those people don't realize THEY are not the problem nor will handing over their weapons solve the problem.

The globalists have upped the anti, they are pushing this agenda to the edge, not much time left now, as this will be repeated worldwide, and there are so few that can see through it, it saddens me.

Can anyone , escape the inescapable ?
What if all could see clear ?
Might as well grab a chair , some popcorn ,and enjoy the fireworks . Hold on to my ticket as long as i can , who knows , it could be the one for that lucky ride as where i survive it all ... ;-)

I suppose not, though go down without a fight? Or get organized?....

Organized ? As long as an opinion as flat-earth , "did we(they) go to the moon , Uf'os are for real or any religious indoctrination is better defended by an individual then respect and cooperation among society ,.... we will not organize . ......, troll just keep trolling .

" Hold on to my ticket as long as i can "

Ill fight for it till death , sure . but i am afraid people like us are to far apart to be of any help to each other when shit goes down .
A noble thought to unite and form a universal supreme counsel of justice , people would revolt for that , but never evolve , It would run in circle back to dictatorship .
But hey , who knows,........ miracles can happen ,... so ,
Rebels unite ! .... join forces and stand your ground !

Humm ? any ideas on what grounds to unite and stand on ?
My backyard , planet Hoth ? your backyard ? ? Belgic ??? ;-)

LOL. yep, you got it, and now I am fucking off to Thailand again, because I can, :-)

I rest my case , i call for action and the man runs of to Thailand ;-)
Well i am of to , getting me some drink and a smoke with that popcorn .

And I decided to stay put, so?

Humm ?? , ..... let's blow up some government property ???
Give em some reason's to call me an anarchist ... ?

Woo , wait a minute ,.... i am peaceful and non violence ,... bummers .
Yep , better stay put , as a unmovable rock ;-)

I'm not saying this to be controversial... but don't they already have better weapons? What's one guy on a farm with a stockpile of automatics going to do against a team, or drones or a tank or whatever?

I honestly don't know the answers though... maybe we have to build a blockchain governance system to reduce the power of pollies?

Maybe you are correct, maybe instead of fracturing into ever smaller groups, and arguing with each other, maybe, those of us that see through the bullshit the other side made up, be it false flags, be it Stanley Kubrick's Apollo 11, maybe we need to get organized instead, just saying. :-)

Yes! That's exactly what I mean. We need to provide an alternative to a very, very, very broken system.

I am all ears, and willing to help.

here in America whenever they have tried to make people hand in guns a fair portion refrain from doing so. the problem is that some states make you register your guns so then they can know if you do not comply. gun registries can only be used for confiscation schemes, they have never been used by law enforcement to catch a criminal. New Zealand seems pretty screwed between giving up their guns and putting on hijabs and playing the call to prayer nationwide. Can you send away for 80% lower receivers in your country?

New Zealand no different to my native UK, where I no longer reside, it is swamped with people running from the middle east, due to endless wars, and who is it, who is it that is waging them endless wars??????

middle easterners like to fight each other and western nations like having proxy wars.

And the USA war on "terror" will never end, as the real terrorists wear suits, and people vote for them.

Trump ended the Bush and Obama mass surveillance program and is working to bring our troops home from various places around the world, it's a good start, his stated goal is world peace. I didn't vote for him.

Trump is a front, they will not relinquish control, way too much money involved, 10 million $ a day goes to Israel. To think that will stop anytime soon is churlish, to say the least.

Trump is a front for who precisely?
Israel is pretty key to establishing middle east peace.

OMG, you think taking peoples land off them, and giving it to people of a totally different race is cool, leave the keys to your house, and your car, I am coming to take it the fuck off you, or shoot you if you refuse, see my point yet?

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