Why Don't We See This Level of Hate Directed Toward ALL Politicians? (Original Art)

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Trump is loudmouthed, he's rude, he's disrespectful, he's racist, he's a liar, and he's a warmonger. People are right to criticize, ridicule and fear him. But can we be real here?

It's true that most politicians carry themselves and interact with others by employing a lot more respect and decorum... 

...But this is all on the surface. 

All politicians lie.
All politicians steal.
All politicians murder.
All politicians exploit.
All politicians wage war.
All politicians oppress.

What's the difference, really? Trump isn't the problem, the system is the problem. Government is a system that is oppressive and coercive by nature. Are you really so surprised that we're now seeing a politician who's outward behavior matches the inward ugliness of the system he's allied to?

If the voting cattle look beneath the surface they will see that ALL POLITICIANS ARE TRUMP. Any differences are minor and negligible. 

Thanks for reading my little blurb. Here's the full-sized version of my Trump caricature:

If you enjoyed my art and writing, please follow me @sethlinson.



It's a circus of division that plays the masses like a drum. Most don't have the discernment or critical thinking skills to see through it all. They get caught up in the noise. I read what people say about voting for either of these miscreants and am stunned that they might actually believe the idiocy they spew. Crazy stuff...

EXCELLENT ARTICLE! :D It expresses very well how I feel about the political system and the hypocrisy of so many people.

Thanks for the comment :)

Well, remember, he's broken the Cardinal Rule of PC culture - by talking like a frat boy (and even groping women.) Don't get me wrong, I'm not excusing this scumbag, at all - but considering Clinton is married to a guy who has repeatedly treated women like blow up dolls via his checkered sexual past, and in much worse ways, it's really hard to take her seriously when she and her supporters complain about Trump in that manner. Turning a blind eye to the very thing you protest makes you a hypocrite.

But don't take it from me - Glenn Greenwald really nails it in terms of how the media will not tolerate the same kind of discernment and criticism for her, as it does for him:


This is so true, and totally plays into the point of my post. It isn't just the voters who are overly critical of Trump and overly lenient toward Clinton; it's the media too.

I am all but certain that if Trump wins, there will be protests and riots about every war and policy change. But if Clinton wins, the media and the anti-war left will be all hit silent. Look at what happened in the Bush regime compared to the Obama regime. The war protested disappeared even though warfare only escalated under Obama.

Too bad you believe what the media has been telling you.
Hillary is the one who wants war, and has supported the all the wars in the middle east, purposely armed people like AlQueada that turn on us, and is importing the terrorist risks here by the thousands, so there will be war at home too.
Go watch the debate and see who wanted war, who advocates regime change and arming terrorists, and who keeps picking the fight with Russia.

Something tells me you missed the whole point of my post...

I know full well that Hillary is a warmonger. She's possibly even worse than Trump, but don't pretend that Trump is an angel who only wants peace.

oh Bullshit. You don't start off a post calling someone every name in the book if you actually support them. This looks just like a Correct the Record post on reddit. Congratulations, I hope you got paid for selling out.

And now you missed the point of my reply... I never said I actually support Trump. I never said I support Hillary. I support no one because every single politician is terrible.

I didn't know I was "selling out" by not shilling for specific candidates...

I see. So you just bash the only possible alternative to the criminals currently in power?

That may not make you a shill, but it sure doesn't make you sound very smart either.

edit because steemit does not like conversation:
I see, you are just going to bash and complain, instead of voting for the only chance to get entrenched criminals out of power. Smart /s

edit for @churdzu
There is no reason to be ashamed, it is currently legal. Of course he took advantage of the stupid tax laws bribed into reality by senators like Hillary Clinton. As a businessman, wouldn't you? If you say no, then you would fail when competing against those that do use the current laws.

Look at who actually got investigated by the FBI for national security breaches.
Look who took MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in bribes while Secretary of State.
Look at who keeps picking fights with the middle east and russia, trying to start wars.
Look who screwed over Bernie sanders by rigging the votes.
Look who defended adult and child rapists, and then laughed about it.
There is physical evidence of all these things.

It is just sad that people will allow criminality like this but still bash the outsider, and their only defense is "they're all bad, they're all liars, whaaa!"

He's not a chance to get entrenched criminals out of power. He's been supporting the corrupt system for years, and readily admits to it, and he doesn't seem ashamed of the fact that he's benefited from it. He's a liar, and it's really easy to see that he's a liar. He all but says it openly. Electing another liar doesn't change anything; it's more of the same, just with a different mask.

It is just sad that people will allow criminality like this but still bash the outsider, and their only defense is "they're all bad, they're all liars, whaaa!"

Cognitive dissonance is strong in this one!

Nothing that any of these people have said to you here is untruthful. Trump is a piece of shit. Perhaps Hilary is an even bigger piece of shit, but the fact remains that Trump isn't the "ideal" candidate.

As @sethlinson has stated, Trump is a liar (pathologically so, if you ask me) and a bigot/ likely misogynistic (granted, whether or not these things are "bad" to you depend on your own morality, or lack thereof).

So, what we have here is a "pick your poison" election. Which is the lesser of two evils? The same as it has always been, because, again, like @sethlinson has so eloquently pointed out, our system is rigged to favor sociopath/ psychopath manipulators (a slight paraphrase).

Money/ power trumps all else in our world, no pun intended. Power is gained through fear (coercion) and oppression (as knowledge truly is power).

Again, did you read my post? The whole point of my post isn't to bash Trump. It's to say that almost all criticism levelled against him can be applied to ALL other candidates.

And no I don't believe he's a legitimate challenge to the criminals in power. He would just be more of the same. The whole system is criminal by design.

Donald Trump has gotten the equivalent of nearly $3 billion in free advertising since last May, according to the latest statistics from the firm mediaQuant, blowing away rivals in both parties.
Trump, who became the presumptive Republican presidential nominee when last rivals Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich exited the race, has received the equivalent of more than $2.8 billion in free ads through April. That’s based on media coverage and the equivalent advertising rates.

As I, and a great many other people said at the time, the news media are the Donald's chain dogs. They do his bidding and attack his rivals at no charge. For the time being.
That will change.
After he receives the Republican Nomination they will turn on him and tear him to pieces.
That's exactly what happened.
Whether intentionally or otherwise, the Donald is a patsy..

How's he a racist? Any proof? You didn't bought into 'illegal immigrants are a race' meme?

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