My Problem With The U.S. Government

in #politics7 years ago

Before I start this article I would like to say that even though I might not always agree with the government, I am proud to be an American and I love my country. Now that I have said that, here are a few problems I have with the United States government.
If corporate greed and political agenda were to get together and have a child, the child would definitely resemble our government. At one time we were a nation of free thinking individuals and that was what made us great. Then some where along the line the government decided that free thinking individuals were a risk, and since that point in time, they have done everything in their power to eradicate free thinkers from this country. They dumbed down the schooling; essentially raising a generation of sheep, willing to think, feel, and act, however the government tells them to. If anyone dare step out of line and try to think for themselves... well obviously the government can't have that, so individuals like that are sent to prison. The government has so successfully blinded the American populace to their own crimes; that if you speak as I am speaking now, people look at you as if you are insane. Here we have a government that is stomping on our constitutional right, grossly violating our privacy, and silencing the opinions of those they disagree with... but I'm insane for calling them criminal. I'd say they have done a damn good job of brainwashing the American public.
This government is so corrupt that they literally can't hide it anymore, so they just do it out in the open now and dare us to do something. Individuals like Jeff Sessions, and Donald Trump, going back on government promises made to the people. There is no end to their corruption, but impeachment wouldn't help in the slightest; they'd just replace him with another equally corrupt sleaze ball. The system is beyond saving... the only way to fix this government is to get rid of it. We the people need to open our eyes to the crimes of our government and we need to do it now. It is high time the government start fearing the people, instead of the other way around. The time for change is now, we need to eradicate this corrupt government and make this country ours again. We have to do it before it is to late, before they seize complete control and life as we know it ceases to exist. Before it becomes a crime to simply have an opinion.


There is no government....only Corporations ACTING as governments. Citizens do not have Rights. To be a citizen is to be a surety for the National debt. Chattel, a cash cow to be used up till death.

Everything you think is a government body , IS NOT, from your local Police/Sheriff to your local School District.

You can prove this just by going to Dunn&Bradstreet or

That is the main problem.

Type in the exact Name of the so called government entity, and you will see....... THEY ARE ALL FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS and you are the energy to make it run.

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