Why African Americans families are being destroyed

in #politics7 years ago

In 1965 Daniel Patrick Moynihan, assistant secretary of labor to Democrat President Johnson, warned that the black family was on the verge of a complete breakdown. In 1963 out of wedlock rates for whites were 3% and blacks 23.6%. Today, those numbers have skyrocketed. A stunningly 75-80% of black babies are born out of wedlock.




How come the black families are being destroyed?

This is a sensitive topic, and I understand that. But it's important to discuss, and I see a growing number of blacks addressing it also. Why is it that democrats has gotten 90% of black votes throughout the last 60 years, but the situation for blacks have worsened.

In my humble opinion, the main reason is that white liberals, democrats and social justice warriors are to blame. Why is it that African Americans are doing so poorly in education. Why is it that they have such high crime rates in their communities (8 times more crime is committed by blacks than whites), and why are their families destroyed? And even more importantly, WHY are asians doing so well, despite them also being a minority with different ethnic background.

We all know the mainstream answer to that, right? Terms like "institutionalized racism" and "slavery". But in my opinion those words are only making things worse. First of all it's a rest pillow for blacks. It's much easier to think "well, there's still so much racism, and it's also institutionalized, plus with slavery and all..we don't stand a chance!" instead of taking responsibility and pulling yourself up.

What about those who don't see racism around every corner?

Why is it that SOME blacks doesn't seem to not bother about this narrative, get off their ass and just do it - no matter what anyone tells them they can or can not do? Look at my man @boomerangbread rockin' Steemit. Being an adventeruos individual going for it, seizing opportunities. Not complaining about racism, but instead acting like an open and generous human being. Look at black actors, black journalists, black lawyers, hell..a black president. WHY did they prosper and make it all the way to the top? What's so different about them?

Liberals love to refer to them as "Uncle Tom's". They usually don't say that out loud, but that's what they mean. Other blacks also hate on the black guy who makes it. "He probably had to suck up to some white dude to make it"


Listen. Slavery ended 150 years ago. Several hundreds of thousands of white americans fought and died to end it. A cruel and vicious age was about to end. Slavery had been going on since the dawn of man. Arabs roamed Europe and Africa for almost a thousand years, with brutal slavery. Millions of Europeans were sold as slaves when Arabs conquered areas of Europe all the way up to Austria. Even within Africa, different tribes took and sold slaves to each other. This was the way the world worked.

The biggest problem whites did was to admit it was wrong. When you admit to your wrongdoings, you become an easy target for the blame game. People know that you are critical towards yourself, and that you have certain standards. They know, unconsciously that since you have admitted your wrong doings before, you certainly can do it again - and you can also be pressured into even granting others certain freedoms at the expense of yourself. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is a famous saying. I don't doubt that the liberals have good intentions. But to do this is to disincentivize people from taking responsibility of their own actions and destinies.

My hope for African Americans, and also people with different ethnic backgrounds here in Europe is that they understand that they are being robbed by the liberals. The liberals, or all politicians that want taxations also want voters that benefit from others being taxed. So it is in the politicians interest that blacks remain poor and unsavvy, not able to pull themselves up from being addicted to welfare. And as we can see, welfare destroys families. It's even the case in white families all across the western world. Women "don't need no man" when the government's welfare paycheck is a better supporter.

My argument is that the biggest racists are the ones holding other races down. And I just argued why those people are statists and liberals in particular. They're not consciously racist - but rather unconsciously by not letting other blacks out of their dependency of welfare.

Listen to the words of the great Morgan Freeman


"Do I think race has anything to do with wealth inequality? Today? No. Look at us, we're proof. Stick your mind into what you wanna do, and go for that"


Official slavery ended but it ain't gone away. The prisons are modern slavery

Crime doesn't pay but the hours are good.

Heia Norge :)
I recommend reading Hello Nazis and Racists. Think it will speak to you

Hi! Thanks for the recommendation. But I could not disagree more :)

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