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RE: Sweden Succeeds In Making Old Disposable Swedes Homeless

in #politics6 years ago

Sweden can only be a great example of how not to do it, unfortunately. Sweden is done for. It's over. Sweden is dead. But it takes some time to die when you drown. If you are thrown into the water with 500kg of lead around your doesnt matter if you can hold your breath for 2 minutes. You're still dead.

There is no hope for other countries in the west as well. When Sweden and Germany starts to collapse for real in 10-20 years, we will see mass immigration to other countries like norway, denmark, switzerland, Iceland, Finland and even people trying to get into eastern europe.

These countries will either have to shit their boarders in order to survive, or themselves collapse because of the massive immigration. This is an unstoppable domino effect. The only hope we have is eastern europe. But they will (and in their full right) close their boarders and probably even build huge walls to protect themselves. So the smart people will(if they have not all ready) re-settle in eastern europe. I believe owning property there could be the wisest investment you can do. Personally I cant afford that yet..but it is one of my priorities.


Hopefully with smart crypto-investing you'd be able to afford that. The language barrier could be a problem but Pretty much every Asian county is mostly SJW free. East Asia and SEA are the more developed ones though.

Either way, Good Luck!

It's true what you say, but do you really think that Eastern Europe can be an option? How do you know that the same thing will not happen to them?

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