Syria 2011: A Four Month Timeline of the Western Manufactured Uprising

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Contrary to what you have been told on mainstream media, in 2011 an uprising was manufactured in the Syrian city of Dara’a, and some Syrians desperate for economic change joined the calls for what they initially thought was political “freedom”. Mainstream media outlets have largely described the uprisings as being part of a “protest movement” made up of demonstrators who demand the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. But in reality, the main organizers and leaders of this so-called protest movement have been revealed to be U.S.-backed insurgents and foreign militants who have been armed, trained and funded by U.S. and NATO proxies for the purpose of destabilizing Syria through sectarianism. 

CIA-backed Muslim Brotherhood assets were already in place to snipe at both police and protesters the day the first demonstrations broke out. Since then, the CIA has funneled hundreds of billions of dollars, as well as staggering amounts of arms, to jihadist recruits, many of whom have poured into Syria from surrounding countries.

This article will outline the events that took place from January till April in 2011. Detailing what took place before and after the staged uprising in March 2011.

17th of January, 2011: Prior to the anti-government insurgency, and in response to popular pressure, the government “increased the heating oil allowance for public workers by 72 percent to the equivalent of $33 a month”. 

Late January 2011: A page was created on Facebook called The Syrian Revolution 2011. It announced that a “Day of Rage” would be held on February 4 and 5.

February 4th and 5th: These protests called for on Facebook were quite unimpressive, even with media coverage from outlets such as The Times who eagerly fanned the flames of "revolution" and an uprising, in hopes of creating in Syria what mainstream media helped spread in other nations.

9th of February, 2011: The government lifts its ban on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, which had been in place since 2007.

13th of February, 2011: The government, through its newly established National Social Aid Fund, begins offering transfer payments to help Syria’s 420,000 poorest families.

15th of February, 2011: The government “reduc[es] duties on a range of basic foodstuffs including rice, tea, powdered milk, coffee, and bananas. It also lowered taxes on vegetable oil, margarine, un-roasted coffee, and sugar”.

11th March 2011: " forces seized a large shipment of weapons and explosives and night-vision goggles [being smuggled by lorry from Iraq]"

17-18th of March 2011: Three protesters and a policeman are fatally wounded by gunshots (how did "peaceful protesters" shoot a policeman?) 

20th of March, 2011: A Courthouse is torched in Daraa

A picture shows courthouse that was torched a day earlier by angry protesters in the southern town of Daraa, 100 kms (60 miles) south of Damascus, on March 21, 2011 following a demonstration demanding "freedom" and an end to 48 years of emergency laws in Syria under President Bashar al-Assad and his father Hafez. 

(AFP Photo / Louai Beshara) / AFP" 

Protesters then forced their way through security barriers and headed toward the Baath Party headquarters and other government symbols. In addition to the party headquarters, protesters burned the town’s main courthouse and a branch of the SyriaTel phone company, which is owned by Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of the president.

"Video footage of arson: [youtube


The governor's office and another SyriaTel office were burned:"a front-page story in the government-run Teshreen daily on Tuesday, Dara'a cleric Sheik Ahmad al-Sayasina was quoted as saying, "There were elements from outside Dara'a determined to burn and destroy public property ... These unknown assailants want to harm the reputation of the sons of Hauran." The cleric reportedly said, "The people of Dara'a affirm that recent events are not part of their tradition or custom."

20th March 2011: 7 Syrian policemen killed

March - May 2011:"there were signs from the very start that armed groups were involved". The journalist and author Robert Fisk recalled seeing a tape from “the very early days of the ‘rising’ showing men with pistols and Kalashnikovs in a Daraa demonstration.” He recalls another event, in May 2011, when “an Al Jazeera crew filmed armed men shooting at Syrian troops a few hundred meters from the northern border with Lebanon but the channel declined to air the footage.” "Even US officials, who were hostile to the Syrian government and might be expected to challenge Damascus’s view that it was embroiled in a fight with armed rebels" acknowledged that the demonstrations weren’t peaceful and that some protesters were armed.” 

23rd of March, 2011: After sending a delegation to Daraa to investigate events, President Assad sacks the unpopular Governor of Daraa, Faysal Kalthum, and orders the release of the fifteen teenagers who were detained for graffitiing anti-government slogans.According to at least two dissident websites, protesters have given the Syrian government until the morning of March 25 to meet a list of demands that were relayed to the President by his delegation (that include lifting the 48-year-old emergency law and releasing all political prisoners). If the demands are not met, they threaten, March 25 will become the "Friday of the Martyrs" not just in Dara'a and its province, Hauran, which shares a border with Jordan, but throughout the country.

23rd March 2011: Weapons seized that were stored in Al-Omari Mosque in Dara'a. The following is an interview with "Anwar Al-Eshki", a Saudi Ex-Military (Major General) and now president of "Center for Strategic studies" in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He reveals information about the first days of the Syrian crisis, and he even confirms his connections with the "protesters".  

Video evidence of weapons seized at al-Omari Mosque [youtube


25 March 2011: Testimony from the Latakia Fire Brigade/Syria Civil Defence of Latakia which claims that they were faced with "people dressed in foreign looking religious garb with long beards that reached their chests...all shops on the 'Corniche' had been destroyed...heard gunfire. It was aimed at us and the security forces. One security force member was fatally shot in the chest, he died immediately...they attacked the security forces and murdered four of them, causing others multiple injuries with their knives. "From the start, the protest movements were not purely peaceful. From the start, I saw armed demonstrators marching along in the protests, who began to shoot at the police first. Very often the violence of the security forces has been a reaction to the brutal violence of the armed rebels.” Letter published by Father Frans van der Lugt (murdered by extremists April 2014) 

March 2011: Huge Pro-Assad Rally in Damascus <iframe width="560" height="315" src="

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

March 2011: It will be revealed by Wikileaks through their release of (Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company) "Strat for" emails that "protesters", allegedly 500 of them, will receive payment to take up arms (sourced by Syrian news agency)

March 28, 2011: The head of the Syrian Brotherhood, Muhammad Riyad Al-Shaqfa, issues a statement -"It is time for us to come back and force all the other non-Muslim sects to shrink and step back. These sects are the infidel Christians, the criminal Alawites, and the infidel Druzes."

March 29th, 2011:

Massive demonstrations in support of Assad/rejection of extremists 

2 million Syrians marched in Damascus in support of President Bashar al-Assad 

Excerpt from:  ‘Million-Man March’ in Support for Assad By Batoul Wehbe, al-Manar

Millions of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad supporters poured into the country’s streets in a show of support for their leader calling their protests “loyalty to the homeland”.

Sources told Al-Manar TV that there are about two million protesters in Damascus, another two in Aleppo, a million in Hamah, a million in Homos and hundred of thousands in other cities. All roads leading to Sabeh Bahrat (“Seven Seas”) square in Damascus were cut off by police, as men, women, and children raised Syrian flags and pictures of [President Bashar al] Assad and his father, late president Hafez al-Assad.

April 10, 2011: 9 Syrian soldiers ambushed on bus and shot to death Syrian soldiers and policemen will be assassinated throughout April ("opposition" will claim that they were executed for desertion from the Syrian army but their funeral videos beg to differ).

April 10, 2011: murder of Banyas farmer Nidal Janoud was one of the first horrific murders of Syrian civilians by so-called “unarmed protesters.” Face gashed open, mutilated and bleeding, Janoud was paraded by an armed mob, who then hacked him to death.

The narrative most commonly put forth in mainstream media portrays the Syrian conflict as a popular uprising. However, as we  have seen above a closer examination of the events that occurred in Dara’a in March 2011 – commonly described as the beginning of the conflict – revealed substantial and compelling evidence that not only contradicts the mainstream media’s portrayal but also strongly suggests the involvement, both financially and militarily, of outside influences and actuators.

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