Safe Spaces and the Psychological Self-Internment of Youth

in #politics8 years ago

It's been a busy week for everyone in terms of news-reading and election-related activity. The election this time around was particularly messy, due to the involvement of two very unique individuals. It's over now. That's how elections, particularly those in which the votes aren't even close, work: it's over, one leading party wins, one leading party loses.

Safe Spaces


This popularised 'safe spaces' trend is pure nonsense. This is just my take on it, as an adult, a university graduate, and many other things. 'Safe spaces' are supposed to be created in order to protect individuals from physical and psychological harm -- let's say, in a school where some kids get bullied, a 'safe space' would be a classroom or group where they can feel secure and confident. That makes sense.

Using 'safe spaces' to brainwash young people, most of whom are legal adults, into believing they need to be protected from change, ideas, and the outside world in general, in which the perceived threats have nothing directly to do with them in the first place, is absurd. They are not toddlers who need barriers as to not fall down the stairs. There is no imminent threat to the special snowflakes all over university campuses from the election of President Trump. He isn't walking around with a baseball bat looking for the nerdy kid to beat up, like the school bully is. He's not even on the job yet and it's not exactly a job that's enviable with the current state of the economy and political matters at home and abroad.

Brainwashing university students into believing they must, at all costs, be 'safe' from ideas is beyond retarded. It essentially tells them that they have no power to influence their surroundings and their destiny. If Hillary isn't elected, they're doomed. That's what they're told. Hillary, the person who everyone in the US of A is trying to put behind bars for crimes that exceed the comprehension of pretty much anyone. Puppies, coloring books, vigils and other rubbish are being thrown at young people who voted for the first time in their life as to say "you didn't get what you wanted but here's all this crap that makes no sense in a room that we mislabelled so please keep paying us your tuition fees and we'll pretend to teach you something". Telling mislead people -- who were mislead by the university administrators in the first place -- that they are in "pain" and need "healing space" is a form of medication. It's bad enough every second kid these days is on some form of prescribed meds; now even those who are healthy but confused are being treated like patients.

A Crying Shame


My buddy was in a major city in a college bar when the election news hit. He told me how some girls were crying in full hysterics. This is what democracy is: voting. Sometimes your candidate wins, sometimes they lose. If you don't want to deal with this sort of thing, there are plenty of countries where only one candidate can ever win. Go there, you'll never get surprised. If we throw feminism into the mix let's look at it this way: the women who went to prison and marched for years to have the right to vote didn't cry after they finally got that right, regardless who won. Equality means everyone has their one vote. Hell, Obama even made it so those who are illegally in the country got their one say if they wanted it.

Lying to the Youth

Even years prior to these elections, the amount of lies perpetuated with the brainwashing and psychological internment of the young millennial generation in mind has been spectacular. What do I mean by 'psychological internment'? The self-categorising, self-restricting, self-depreciating ideas that have become norms in today's society. For example, "our generation can't afford to buy a house without our parents' help". Hear that one before? I have. You know why? Because there are myriad news articles out there (primarily written by financial advisers) who tell 20-somethings that they are screwed through no fault of their own. Tuition fees, high housing prices, interest rates, etc are at fault. Let's go through the typical bullshit restrictors one by one:


This is pure bullshit as all one needs to do in order to buy a house is get a small mortgage at a small firm, then use that as a downpayment while applying for a mortgage at a bank. Or just save enough for a downpayment. Don't buy the iPhone, save a grand. Do your homework and invest wisely in realestate; buy a small home like your parents did and resell it for a larger one. That's how it works. It is your fault if you don't understand how realestate actually works.


I wrote a post about this crap earlier on. Refer to that. It is your fault if you fuck it all up.


If you look at most people who are wealthy, they own a business. Their parents or grandparents came to the States with very little except the drive to succeed; they started the business. When their ship or plane landed, they were unemployed too. Was it easy? No. Did it work? Yes. Shut up and when you fail applying for the chic open-concept office marketing job, try something else. It is your fault if you fail.


The above three are the biggest lies out there dropped on a generation that was already handicapped by being brought up to think that their opinion matters and they are the centre of the universe. They grew up in families where they knew they could call the cops on the parents should they be displeased with their parenting. The establishment they went out into perpetuated this misleading entitlement, selling them worthless junk and services and trapping them in a bubble of delusion.

Add to it the entire 'global citizen' and 'anarchist' movement. Protesting on behalf of people halfway across the world one knows nothing about is not being a global citizen; seeing an injustice in a remote corner of the planet and doing something about it is. Throwing rocks through a shop window is not being an anarchist; discovering an instance of corruption in a governmental function and risking oneself to dismantle it is. You can't be an 'anarchist' and then go blow $10 at Starbucks while calling the police to report someone who offended you during your march promoting ideals you don't even understand just because someone promised you the eventual right to smoke weed anywhere you wish. People live in cages in parts of the world. Children get kidnapped and their limbs chopped off so they can beg more successfully in others. Want to be a real 'global citizen'? Open your eyes to all those people, not just someone's one-sided bitching.

Back to the Safe Spaces

The 'safe spaces' in universities perversion has existed for as long as anyone can remember, albeit under different names. Socrates was executed on the grounds of "corrupting youth". He was killed for spreading knowledge amongst his students and thus jeopardising the psychological internment that the leadership of the time wanted to maintain. In that, they ensured that educational institutions were a 'safe space' from divergent thought and risky ideas. Yet despite the suppression, Socrates brought us the foundations of Western philosophy. Think on that.

Image Credits and Further Reading
No Media image - Source - The article also talks about the roots of the recent 'safe space' phenomenon and is a good read.
60s Activist vs Modern Activist image - Source - This article has an interview with a Harvard professor who is anti-brainwashing and is also a good read.
Leashed Kids - Source - 35 Ridiculous Pictures of Children on Leashes ... enjoy for zero educational value.


Give Trump a chance he may surprise everyone, they say change is good, We are looking for change here in the UK.

Exactly, it's the right kind of change. He isn't a professional criminal .. er .. professional politician, which is why he's so disliked by the establishment. The business perspective and the political perspective are not one and the same, despite lobbying and such. A change of pace from one to the other isn't all that bad.

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